ONE. Prologue

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NOTE: This is an AU of South Park: The Fractured But Whole. This fanfic have the characters in highschool (15/16)

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The crisp moonlight layered the city streets with delicate hands. The city streets are its usual quiet, except for the few critters here and there. We meet with our characters on the top of a building. Their confident nature and dark demeanor mixed greatly with the city lights. Chaos wears a lax smirk, his body language stern but relaxed.

He wore his iconic tin helmet, but a ruby replaced the pathetic fabric he used back in grade school. His appearance didn't change much, at least his green cape and pants with a teal, sleeveless turtleneck. However, he designed flexible and long black gloves instead of his bulky tinfoil ones(mostly because it helped conduct static electricity). He wore combat boots now as well (stolen from the back of goodwill of course, but nevertheless clean).

The other, Mysterion, wore the opposite. Sure, his ridiculous costume had changed ever since Chaos helped him improve his gear. He wore his iconic black mask, along with his purple long sleeved shirt with a green question on it. He, however, dropped the tidy whities he used to wear for sleek black ones. The black ones were accompanied with a complex, black toolbelt. Black lightweight boots was also a plus with his gear. His cloak also had a black trim to it.

The two boys, (Chaos 16 and Mysterion 15) were practically partners in crime. Brain and brawns, pinky and the brain if you will. Ever since the 4th grade, they had been best friends. With them, heroes were hesitant when their crime appeared. The crime duo seemed almost unstoppable, almost–

"Chaos, patrol. 5 o'clock."

... Well, I guess they were almost. Chaos snaps back into reality as Mysterion stalks the side of the building, attentive at the alley next to them. Chaos quietly peeks over, observing the best he could. Seems like fastpass and Human Kite were out patrolling tonight. No biggie, they've dealt with them many times before.. Right?

The one-eyed villian looks over to Mysterion, his face monotone as usual. The mysterious blonde soon looked over and locked eyes with Chaos, his alluring eyes having a sort of cold look to them. Chaos tensed, he knew the look. Things were probably gonna get serious. It was only then he realized why Mysterion looked at him when he heard a familiar.

"There! T-th-there!-"

Shiit. The hero struggled to spit out his sentence, but they could get the memo. Next thing you know, Mysterion books it behind him. Almost like a shadow, which caught Chaos off guard. Chaos soon stumbled behind, soon darting with Mysterion down the alley. Chaos and Mysterion hits the ground floor with a glamorous thud to the concrete. Without thinking, the two start sprinting through the alleyways.

Chaos could almost see the kite in the sky, but he wasn't thinking. Soon, Mysterion unexpectedly darted into a tight spot out of the way. Chaos followed, almost tripping over himself as they hid in darkness. The two could hear the swooshing sound of the wind over them; neither uttered a breath. They waited a minute before darting upward into an alley stairway.

With a run, a jump, and a skip, they barely make it up to a hiding spot. Their chests heave as they swallow air down, taking a rest from the risk-taking experience. It was only a moment before Chaos had looked up, meeting familiar purple eyes that seem to sparkle in nights like these. His eyes narrowed as he straightened himself, looking down at the blonde.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2023 ⏰

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