Chapter Two

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I've just picked up Elena from her house and we are now heading to Costa to get a coffee each. We've just gotten to Costa. Once we got in we went to the counter and told the Costa worker out order and waited for a bit. When we were given our drinks we made our way to the girls school.

"Do you want to put the radio on?" Elena asked.

"Yeah! Sure." I replied.  The song that was on just happened to be my favourite song - Long Live by Taylor Swift and once I heard it I started singing my heart out. They played a couple more songs that I knew and I sang along to them until we got to the school the girls go to and waited 10 minutes until we needed to to get out the car.

"El, why don't you get Lots and Fizzy whilst I get Pheebs and Daise?" I asked her.

"Alright. We'll meet back at the car." she replied.

"K. See you soon."

I then turned around and walked away before she could respond. I made my way around the playground and got to the area I'll need to be to pick up Pheebs and Daise. I had to wait another 5 to 10 minutes before they let the kids out. 

Once I saw the twins I called them, "Phoebe! Daisy! Over here." When they saw me they ran up and hugged me.

"Why are you picking us up and not Mum?" Phoebe asked me.

"Mum and Lou have gone to X-Factor and Dad is at work. So I'm here." I responded.

"Oh yeah." they both said at the same time.

"Alright girls! Elena is getting Lots and Fizzy. So we gotta meet them at the car." I told them.

We started heading back to the car when I saw Elena, Lottie and Félicité not far from us and I decided to call them. 

"Elena! Lottie! Félicité! Over here!" I called.

When they noticed me, they came over.

"You can't find the car can you El?" I asked. She looked rather offended that I would ask that but hen nodded her head.

"Alright. follow me."

Once we got back into the car, we drove back home, when we got back Lottie and Félicité went straight to the table to do their homework. Phoebe and Daisy went to the living room to watch CBeebies. Can't blame them either, my favourite TV shows are on there. Elena went to watch it with them. I decided to read a book. My favourite books are the Twilight saga, the Percy Jackson and the Harry Potter series. I am reading the first Harry Potter book fir the millionth time. Just like with the Twilight and Percy Jackson books, I have read them so many times I can't even remember. 

One hour later, Dad comes home. So I decided to go and start dinner. At least I got an hour of reading in before Dad got home. I'm gonna make a lasagne since that is Louis favourite meal of mine that I make. I'm also making it cause it is a long meal to make and Mum and Louis won't be home for another hour or so, my logic makes sense. To me anyways. Whilst I was cooking the lasagne in the oven, when Mum and Louis walked into the kitchen. Well, Mum walked in, Louis launched himself on top of me. Gave me quite that fright, like literally I screamed at the top of my lungs that is made Dad, Elena, Daisy, Félicité, Lottie and Phoebe rush into the room to see what was wrong. 

"Lou! You scared me to death!" I told him after I got my breathe back, after the scream I just did. 

"That was the plan, Ari!" He chuckled at me. Like not even a chuckle, he was full on laughing. So was Mum, Dad, Elena, Daisy, Félicité, Lottie and Phoebe.

I pouted, "If you want food Lou. You and everyone else better stop laughing." I then whispered loud enough for everyone to hear, "It's my special lasagne."

That shut everyone up. They all love my special lasagne but to me it is just normal lasagne, but they all disagree and I am not one to argue about food,  especially when it is 6 - 1, most of the time.

"I knew that would shut you all up. It has about 10 minutes left in the oven. So, Lou can you get the cups, Mum can you get the knives and forks, Dad can you get the drinks, Lots can you get the plates, Fizzy can you get the place mats, Pheebs can you get the salad out the fridge and Daise can you get the special lasagne bread out the cupboard. You all get that whilst me and El get the lasagne out the oven." I told them. "Got it?" I asked a second later.

"Yeah" they all said at the same time and then went to do the jobs I asked them to do.

When everyone had finished setting the table or getting the extra food I asked them to get, the lasagne was done. Once I plated everyone up with the lasagne that was when everyone started eating and talking. After half an hour everyone had finished eating and that was when I thought it would be the best time to ask how he did. I think he forgot to call me after his audition to tell me how he did.

"Lou, how did your audition go?" I asked. Everyone apart from Mum nodded agreement, wanting to know if he got through or not.

"Well...." he paused for a second, I think to build tension, "I got through to bootcamp. So, I'll be gone a week in about a weeks time."

We all congratulated him. Elena had to go soon after Louis told us the news. The rest of the night was spent in the living room, watching a film before bed, It is Friday night so Daisy and Phoebe are allowed to stay up later then on a school night. 

 (A/N: This is what Elena looks like: 

What Ariella looks like (Looks a lot more like Louis but with Blue and Green highlights):

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What Ariella looks like (Looks a lot more like Louis but with Blue and Green highlights):

What Ariella looks like (Looks a lot more like Louis but with Blue and Green highlights):

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(A/N: Word Count: 1066)

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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