Chapter 45 ~ A Tour of the Kingdom

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Leon was off to escort Alpha King Theodore to the airport. At first, I was planning to go with him but Stacia stopped me and mentioned that she wanted to show me around the kingdom.

Based on her words, "A queen should know her territory just as much as she knows her subjects. This will be lesson number 1. Tour the Kingdom and get familiar with the areas."

So I didn't have much of a choice in the matter. Leon was reluctant to let me leave the castle but his father reassured him that there would be guards to protect both me and his mother, who readily agreed to come with me.

So the moment Leon left, Stacia came through the doors, bouncing in her excitement.

"Starr, are you ready?" She called out from the living room.

"One second," I called out as the maid, Sasha, clasped the strap for my heels.

When she was done, she stood up and bowed, waiting for further instructions.

I released the dress that was bunched up in my hand and let it fall to the floor before waving her away, "you may leave."

She quickly scampered off and I opened the door and stepped out to greet Stacia's excited eyes.

"It's about time," she exclaimed, clapping her hands, "this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You're wasting precious hours!"

I tilted my head in confusion and asked, "what?"

She came and hooked our arms, leading us outside the room. The guards that was supposed to be guarding us immediately fell in line around us and Stacia leaned in to whisper, "As the queen, you don't get to go sightseeing this often. They always have you trapped in this stupid castle saying 'it's for your own protection' or some bull like that. I use every chance I get to slip away and have a little fun."

Realization dawned on my face as I voiced, "so you volunteered to come with me so you can get out of the castle?"

She nodded proudly, "of course. The guide doesn't know it yet but we're going shopping!"

I frowned, "but won't we stand out too much? Look at our clothing."

She waved a dismissive hand and winked, "that's fine. I brought some clothing to change into when the tour is done. Don't worry, I have everything covered."

My lips pulled into a smile at her child like excitement and I couldn't help anticipating browsing around the malls of the kingdom. Would there be a lot of people? I've never shopped in person before. I always ordered everything and had it come to me.

We went and met the guide at the front of the castle and then hopped into the car that was brought in for us.

From then on, the tour began. The Kingdom was split into four major sections. West, South, North and East. The North was where the royal castle and all the important figures of the kingdom lived, the south was for the regular citizens, the east focused on the different industries, like farming, fishing and mining. There were a few estates in the east but most of the buildings were factories and research centers for manufacturing. The west was the training grounds and arenas for the royal army. That was where the army and their family lived. The Kingdom really was large and the resources were abundant, especially when it came to mining. I could see why Glacial City thirsted for it. Though it was foolish of them to think they could get it when they lacked numbers.

The guide took us to every nook and cranny of the Kingdom, only leaving out the poverty stricken areas that he deemed unpleasant for our royal eyes. Though I didn't really mind going there. They were all my people, after all. I'd have loved to see how everyone lived.

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