♦ Chapter Nine ♦

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Diva's Boutique (Bisi, Ada and Mercy's Workplace)

“Good morning ma.” The ladies chorused, going into Madam Gloria's office. Madam Gloria; the owner of the famous Diva's Boutique, situated at the heart of Ikeja. She was known for selling the best fabrics and clothes, name it and she can get it for you. The ladies had had an eventful weekend, hopefully, coming to work would help them escape their reality. “Good morning girls, how was your weekend?” She questioned, eyeing them suspiciously. It seemed she had something up her sleeves.

“It was fine ma, we enjoyed our weekend.”Ada replied, clearing her throat. Madam Gloria was an intimidating woman that reeked of poise and grace, lying to her face would definitely get you in her bad books. At that moment, she deemed Ada not to be trustworthy. “The call I got from Inspector Nwachukwu was a totally different thing.” She stated, looking at their faces. Bisi had a straight face while Mercy looked like she couldn't wait to leave. Ada seemed less concerned.

“I don't know what you're talking about ma.” Ada replied, feigning ignorance. Did Inspector Nwachukwu really go that far by involving Madam Gloria? “I can't have a conversation with you, leave my office. Mercy stay.” Madam Gloria commanded. It was no secret that Mercy and Bisi were her favourite. Although, she took a liken to Mercy more, probably because they were related. Bisi and Ada wasted no time in scurrying out of the office. “I know you're the only person that can tell me the truth, now spill Mercy.” She ordered, taking a sip out of her bottled water.

“Amina's husbands' dead body was found in our room. We were arrested by the police because we're the main suspect.” Mercy explained. “That's surprising. Does it also involve the bag your mom mentioned?” She pried. Mercy looked shocked, she didn't know her mother would divulge such information to her. “She's my sister, so don't be surprised.” She explained, folding her arms on the table. “Yes ma, but everything has been cleared out.” “Amina is after you, know that. You can go.” She warned, pointing at the door.

“Mama, why did you have to tell Aunty Gloria about the bag? Do you want to put me in trouble?” She scolded, through the phone. Mama sounded unbothered about the situation. “Is that why you're shouting, you should be happy I did. The police are involved, she might be able to help you out. You know very well she has connections.” Mama retorted. “Are we talking about the same woman that has refused to pay for your surgery even when I begged her severally.” Mercy whispered;she was in the bathroom. There was a pause at the other end.

“It doesn't matter, she can still help us. Help you.” Mama reasoned. Mercy knew she had a point, so there was no need arguing with her. “It's okay Mama, I understand you. Please take your drugs, I'd call you later. Say hello to Joshua for me.” She concluded, ending the call. On getting to the receptionist desk, where she's meant to be seated, Bisi was arguing with a customer. The size of clothes seemed to be the issue, she knew she had to intervene before Madam Gloria came out of her office.

“Madam, I said we don't have your exact size. The only sizes available are 10 and 12.” Bisi explained, but the woman paid no attention to her. “Are you calling me fat?” She shrieked. Bisi was fed up with her attitude, to her; she was one of those people that loved attracting unwanted attention. “Take a look at yourself, do you look like you'd be able to get your arm into the sleeves?” Bisi offered, directing her to the mirror. The customer was on the brink of tears, no one had ever talked to her in that manner.

Ada stifled a laugh, she wondered why Bisi was snappy. “I'm sorry ma about her behavior. Don't worry, I'd get in touch with the designer, she can get you your exact size.” Mercy offered, giving Bisi the stink eye. “Thank you so much dear. You're the only one that seems to be reasonable here, here's my card. You can call me when it's ready.” She replied, outstretching her hand. “Okay, bye ma.” Mercy waved at her. Turning her back towards the door, she chided Bisi.

“What is wrong with you? Do you want to loose your job?” Bisi hissed and walked out on her.“Ada, what's her problem. She's been like this since yesterday.” Mercy asked; it was unlike Bisi to snap at people, Mercy was the snappy one. “Don't worry, I'll go talk to her.” Ada offered. She had an inkling of what was wrong with Bisi after their encounter last night.“Babes, why are you acting up?” She enquired, taking a seat on the chair nearby.

Bisi turned deaf ears and kept on arranging the clothes on the shelf. “Bisi?” She urged. Bisi let off a huge sigh and walked towards her. “What were you doing at that place yesterday?” She whispered. Looking around to see if anyone was eavesdropping, she replied.“ Like I said earlier, it was a coincidence. I had something important to do.” Ada was definitely up to something. “Guys, the Inspector just called. We have been invited to the police station for questioning.” Mercy interrupted.

Both girls stiffened, what could that man want now? “We have no choice but to go, or else he'd think we're involved in the murder.” She sighed. “Umm, there's something you guys need to see too.” Mercy stuttered. “What is it?” Ada questioned, standing up abruptly. “I saw this note outside and it's written with blood.” She solemnly replied. The note read;

“I'm coming for you BAM.”


Hmmm, I wonder what Inspector Nwachukwu has to say🤔
Who can decipher the acronym?💃


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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2023 ⏰

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