Did I mention Jan is a tattoo artist as well? So most of the time he isn't in college as he has appointments. I always thought that he would be those meanie, rude ugly looking gangsters, but Jan isn't like them. He's cute like that.

"Thankyou so m-much for bringing me h-here. I -I really am thankful" I thank him, hugging his waist as I hear his heart beat.

"Hey! Shut up. You're my baby sister. I'll do anything for you and don't you dare thank me or I'll not clean gracy's poop" he warns making me giggle.

"And you might not tell me what happened right now, but I won't let it pass. I'll chop whosoever did this into so many pieces that Gracy will get fat eating them " he chuckled making me gasp.

Why must he bring Gracy into this always?

After Jan left, I called Nikolai and even texted him but I got no reply. My uneasy heart didn't allow me to wait longer as I walk into the beautiful Black building.

It was huge, there were guards dressed in suits everyone. Each one had a earpiece.

How rich is he?

The guard on the door seemed shocked when he sees my face. He bows down at me and escorts me till the reception.

"Good morning ma'am, how can I help you?" A very pretty looking blonde woman asked me, politely.

"You're so pretty" I tell her,  a cute blush appearing on her face.


"T-thankyou. It's weird, I don't usually get compliments this way but you're beautiful too, so beautiful" hehe , now I'm blushing.

"Umm...can you please tell me the way to Nikolai's office?" She seemed rather shocked at the way I mentioned him.

What? He's my b- word okay! .

"Ma'am, his office is on the second floor but I'm afraid you can't meet him right now as a very important meeting is going on" I cry. Actually. Tears start falling out my eyes as I hear it.

I really need him right now.

I know what I'm about to do is immature and wrong but I need him so much that my brain doesn't really function.

I sigh and as I started to walk outside, I quickly changed my direction and ran towards the lift. Ignoring the following footsteps behind, I quickly push the buttons of the second floor.

Once I reach the floor, I was met with absolute silence. It was a very calm and dull place.

I'll have to redecorate it. Omphoo.

I watch as the lift goes down and I know they are following me , I wipe my tears and run towards the only door I see. It was a huge black door and On top of it , craved in large golden letters was


without any other thought, I bang the door open and I am m-OH! SHIT

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without any other thought, I bang the door open and I am m-OH! SHIT.

there were atleast eight men , sitting on the conference table. At the head of the table, the person I came here for,  like an illegal immigrant sat.

He looked pissed at first but then his expression changed into something unexplainable.

All he men in the room stood up, tucking their guns out of their pockets. Woah!  It was never this serious my man. Let's talk it out *quietly takes out my assassin tools* hehe , I'm smart like that.

"If anyone of you try to do anything to her, I'll give you the most painful death mankind has ever known of" woah. Daddy chi- stop.

"Leave. The meeting is over" I stand there awkwardly, drawing weird shapes with my shoes as all the men pass me while leaving.

Once they were gone, I started walking to him when the door opened.

"Sir, I apologise s-she ran here. We tried to stop he-" he interrupted the man ,

"Don't ever try to stop her from meeting me. She's the only exception" aww.

The man behind us looked at me and I wave at him. He smiled and shut the door behind us.

"Come here malyshka"

In that moment I cried all my worries out and crashed into his strong arms. 

Author's note
Finally, nel-fucking-son is going to die now. Also the next chapter will be purely about comforting clover.🌷🤍

Basically them

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Basically them. <3

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