33. {Berceuse For Lylibeth}

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The open field lay before her, a vast expanse of greenery that seemed to go on forever. The sky above was a striking shade of blue, tinged with soft hues of orange and pink that gave it an otherworldly appearance. The ground beneath her feet was covered in a thick carpet of grass that swayed gently in the breeze, creating a mesmerizing wave-like pattern across the landscape.

There were no trees in sight, save for one lone specimen that stood tall and proud in the center of the meadow. But while the tree may have been a solitary figure, the ground around it was teeming with life. Mushrooms of every color and shape dotted the earth, peeking out from the verdant grass like colorful jewels.

It was beneath the shade of this tree that a little girl sat, her hair falling in soft ringlets around her face. She wore a flowing purple dress that fluttered in the wind as she sang a sweet nursery rhyme, her voice carrying across the meadow like a soft melody. Everything was bright and cheerful, suffused with an aura of purity and innocence.

But suddenly, without warning, a dark mist began to descend upon the idyllic scene. It crept slowly across the meadow, swallowing up everything in its path. The colors of the grass and mushrooms faded, and the once-bright sky grew dark and foreboding. The little girl's singing trailed off, replaced by an eerie silence that hung heavy in the air. All at once, the tranquil paradise had been transformed into a sinister, ominous place.

Lyli's eyes turned watery. "Not again," she yelled. "Stop following me!"

The dark mist in front of Lyli suddenly warped and swirled, seemingly disrupted by some unseen force. Suddenly, the shape of a little girl, much like Lyli herself, appeared in the midst of the mist. "It's time, Lyli," the shadow said in a voice that sent shivers down her spine.

Lyli recoiled in fear and anger, yelling, "Leave me alone!"

But the shadow took a step forward, undeterred. Before Lyli could react, the shadow grabbed her arm and pulled her up, then forward, dragging her along against her will.

As she stumbled forward, Lyli's foot caught on a tree root, halting her stride and causing her to stumble. She struggled to regain her balance and free herself from the shadow's grasp, but it held her firmly, unyielding in its purpose.

"Let me go," Lyli requested, choking as she stifled a cry.

"It won't be long now, Lyli. Come one, the shadow answered.

She couldn't tell how long they walked, but every stride she took felt like a heavy weight was pressing on her shoulders. Every step was done laboriously. Even a drag of breath was difficult to obtain.

But soon, Lyli and the shadow that held her hand ceased their steady walk, standing frozen in place as they gazed upon the ominous darkness that swirled before them.

In the depths of the abyss, there emerged a form- a massive, snarling boar with bristling fur and razor-sharp tusks. The beast was launched forward with an unfathomable force and it skidded to a halt just before them. Its beady eyes narrowed and the creature tilted its head in a menacing gesture. Before Lyli could react, the savage boar charged forward with a frightening ferocity.

"This is it, Lyli," the shadow spoke.

Lyli furrowed her brow. "What do you mean?" she asked.

The answer to her question came the form of claw that dug into her shoulder. Lyli screamed in pain.

The boar was on top of her snarling and once more it raise it's hand to attack Lyli again.

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