22. {Take You There}

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Present day.

Martin stood with sadness in his eyes before Lyli, the embodiment of all that was dark and sinister. Linda was a meter away, trembling with fear as she watched the tense exchange unfold. Minerva, the shaman, stood stoically on the staircase, her presence offering a sense of calm amidst the chaos. The living room was dimly lit, shrouded in a thick veil of unease and heaviness that hung in the air like a dark cloud. Shadows danced on the walls, cast by the flickering flames of the fireplace that failed to provide any warmth to the cold room. The furniture was clean and perfect. However, the walls were stained with the secrets of the family that called this place home.

The growling of Lyli filled the air, a haunting reminder of what she was. Her eyes were glowing, her hair wild and unkempt floating above her head, and her skin was pale and a sick shade of green. She stood before Martin, a figure of terror and desperation, her every movement emanating a raw power that could destroy everything in its path.

Martin felt his heartache as he gazed at her, his mind racing with emotions that jumbled between fear, confusion, and love.

Then he heaved a sigh that was laden with the weight of a thousand unspoken worries. He moved towards the couch, his footsteps echoing through the stillness of the room, like the distant rumble of thunder. His eyes rested on the black cloak, a somber reminder of days long gone.

With a sense of purpose, he picked it up, feeling its weight in his hand, like a bittersweet memory. As he walked back towards his daughter, he felt a sense of trepidation creeping up his spine, like a cold wind that refused to be ignored. The cloak, like a shroud of darkness, seemed to emphasize the fragility of life and the fleeting nature of time. He draped it over his daughter's slender frame as if to shield her from the harsh realities of the world.

As he gazed at her unearthly form, he shivered, fear evident in his eyes. However, deep down, he knew that he would do anything to keep her safe. For in her current state, he still felt her innocence. Although he saw no glimmer of hope, no light that shone through the darkness, he had vowed to protect her, to nurture her, for as long as he lived. He gave that vow the moment she was born and he was hell-bent on keeping it even if it meant trudging the halls of hell.

His fingers shook as he repositioned the cloak around her shoulders. Lyli growled, her eyes blazing with a fierce intensity. Martin felt his heart heavy with the weight of her suffering. Just then, Linda's voice rang out, sharp as a blade, cutting through the air. "You can't let her do this!" Her anger was palpable, a storm cloud gathering strength. She refused to accept what their daughter had to do. She couldn't bear losing her again, let alone be the instigator that would catapult her toward it. Martin could not bear to lose Lyli too. But he had to let Lyli do what she needed to do. It was the only way to save her now, to let her rest in peace.

"You're crazy," Linda spat. Accusatory eyes boring on Martin.

Martin raised his voice, infused with a determination that was born of deep love. "Stop it, Linda! Please, let this happen." The words flowed from him, a river of emotions that threatened to burst their banks. He knew that he had to convince her, had to make her see that they could not let their daughter suffer any longer.

Linda swung her head toward the staircase. Her finger pierced the air, pointing like a dagger toward Minerva. A sense of accusing urgency rang out in her voice, a symphony of despair as she yelled, This is all your fault!"

Martin felt a pang of anger rise within him, but he knew that he could not afford to let it consume him.

He took a deep breath, his eyes closed in concentration. He knew that he had to find the words that would soothe her heart and convince her to trust him, to trust Lyli. His voice was low and gentle, a caress that sought to soothe her pain. "She had suffered long enough, Linda. It's time."

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