13. {The Shaman 2}

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(Trigger warning. The following chapter includes S/A. For survivors and those who are uncomfortable with these scenes, please skip the chapter. It can be traumatizing.)


Lyli couldn't endure what was happening to her. She struggled desperately as she heard the disgusting panting of someone above her. The creaking of the bed echoed in her ear like the devil, a constant reminder of her captivity.

Tears streamed down her face, and she looked away from the sweaty face that was too close to her own. As she tried to escape the pain between her thighs and the smell of sweat, she glimpsed Cindy in the window. The girl was looking at her with fear in her eyes, and Lyli whispered, "Help me." But Cindy ran away, leaving her alone in the room with her tormentor.

Bound spread-eagle on the bed, she struggled harder, but the ropes around her arms and legs strained even more. She cried and pleaded with him to stop, but her pleas fell on deaf ears. He answered her with sickening words, "I have always wanted this. I look at you every day from the bedroom window and wish for an opportunity. I saved you. You are mine." She tried again to break free, but it was futile. Her body shook, and her mind screamed. She wanted to get out...out of her own body. It was disgusting. It was painful. "Daddy, help me," she prayed as the young man above her continued with his actions.

Tears continuously flowed down her eyes. I want out. I want to break free. I want to run, lyli's mind screamed.

She screamed no, please. Please stop. It hurts so much." But the young man answered her with laughter. Suddenly, he stopped moving, rose, and stepped off the bed. For a moment, Lyli thought it was over, but horror engulfed her entire being when the young man pulled out a knife from a cabinet. Slowly he stalked toward her with all his nakedness, licking his lips like a deranged dog.

Lyli closed her eyes, disgusted, not wanting to see his entirety. Next, she knew the binds on her foot were cut loose. Immediately she closed her legs and coiled them, raising them toward her chest, hiding from him her private part which he had taken advantage of for hours. However, her reprieve was short-lived when the young man positioned himself on top of her again, grabbed both her legs, pulled them apart, hooked them over his shoulders, and entered her again.

It was so sudden and harsh, an ear-splitting scream erupted from Lyli's mouth. And that scream even went higher and deafening when the young man started to move, each thrust was fast and went deeper inside. Lyli felt like she was breaking in two.

Monster, monster, monster, Lyli screamed.

But the man young man only laughed at her and he continued. Over and over he entered her.

The pain was pulsing through every fiber of her being. Then it suddenly felt like her skin was too tight, like she was suffocating inside her own body. She tried to scream, but no sound came out. Her mind was consumed with thoughts of escape. She wanted to rip her skin off, to tear herself apart just to escape the agony that was ripping her from the inside out.

Tears streamed down her face as the young man clawed at the skin of her inner thigh. Lyli was desperate to break free. It was as if her own body was a prison, trapping her inside with excruciating pain. Every nerve ending inside her was suddenly on fire, and then her heart skipped a beat. Then It slowled down, until she felt it stop beating.

Soon, Lyli ceased wriggling. She quit talking, her body felt numb. Her insides felt cold. Her breath was cold. Her mind went blank keeping only the word monster.

Suddenly, the one above her stopped and screamed in horror. Blood was everywhere, seemingly seeping out from the child's skin. "What the hell," the person yelled. He jumped away from the child on the bed. Blood was pouring down her face from somewhere on her head. Her body was shaking violently, splattering blood everywhere. Then her body contorted and twisted in unnatural ways as a sickening crunching sound echoed through the room.

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