28. {Run}

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The parking lot outside the hospital was a bleak expanse of tarmac, the darkness devouring all light that struggled to penetrate it. The moon, a pale and luminous disc, hung above the lot, casting shadows that danced and swayed with every movement.

The cars parked in the lot were an array of unremarkable vehicles, each one presenting an unassuming facade to those who passed by. Faded paint jobs and rust spots littered the exteriors of many of the cars, giving them a worn and forlorn character.

And then there was the man, a figure who emerged from the darkness at an animated sprint, his face twisted in a manic expression of terror. He ran with frenzied desperation, his limbs flailing in a wild and uncoordinated fashion.

As he approached one of the parked cars, he caught a glimpse of his disfigured face in the side mirror. It was a grotesque, melted visage, scarred and marred by wounds inflicted long ago by Lyli.

He screamed a sound of utter despair that echoed through the empty parking lot. He collapsed to his knees, his body wracked with shuddering sobs and a hopeless sense of defeat. And in that dark place, his tortured cries were the only sounds to pierce the deafening silence. His cries were a mirror of a myriad of things. His regret, his anguish for his aunt, his family, and his life that had nothing but endless nightmares and scenes from the past that he couldn't erase.

He regretted it. If someone were to ask, he would admit that he regretted it deeply. He had tried so hard to control himself, but there were no excuses for what he had done. Sometimes, he couldn't help but wonder if it was truly his choice. If he were to reflect on the events leading up to his assault on Lyli and try to understand his emotions at that time, he would say he wasn't himself. However, the reality was that he had assaulted her. He couldn't help but wonder what had happened to her, and why she turned into what she is.

As Billy gazed upwards, an ethereal presence seemingly overtook his body, causing him to suddenly lay flat on the abrasive concrete floor of the parking lot. His somber gaze fixated upon the distant moon, entranced by its haunting beauty as his mind languished in a state of apathy.

Suddenly, a shuffle of feet broke the tranquility, ringing in his ears like a jarring alarm.

He lifted his heavy lids with a sense of foreboding, only to see his father looming above him, his visage wrought with pain and fatigue. Blood trickled down his cheek, a testament to his recent struggle.

"What are you doing? Get up!" his Father barked, his stern tone awakening Billy from his reverie.

Billy remained still, his body motionless as his father stood towering over him. "Let her have me," he uttered softly.

With a sudden jolt, Billy was lifted off the ground as his father grabbed his collar and yanked him up. "Shut up! After everything we've been through, after your aunt's death, you have the nerve to say that?" His father's voice boomed.

"She'll find me no matter where I go," Billy replied in a flat tone, his gaze fixed beyond his father as if he were looking at nothing.

Antonio let out an exasperated sigh. "Get yourself together and quit your whining. We don't have time for this," his father snapped as he pulled Billy towards a red car.

"Who owns this? Are we stealing it?" Billy asked.

"Don't preach to me about morality, boy. You're not qualified," his father grumbled.

As Antonio approached the red car, his eyes surveyed the area with a keen sense of awareness. After a few moments of careful observation, he swiftly assessed the situation and quickly went to work. His skilled hands deftly maneuvered the wires beneath the steering column as he hotwired the vehicle with remarkable ease.

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