32. {And So The Wind Blows}

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Mark furrowed his brow as he watched the bloody woman guide his former passenger out of the living and toward what he deemed was the kitchen. He should leave, he thought to himself. But he wouldn't, he couldn't, he didn't have the will to do so. It felt like he needed to be there.

He had to be there, or did he? Questions that he couldn't find an answer to swirled in his head. He felt like he knows, but he didn't. Nothing made sense.

Then his musing was interrupted when he heard the man named Martin yell something incomprehensible. As of on cue, the creature on the floor started to growl.

He looked down at her and she instantly tilted her head up to gaze at him. It felt like she knew he was looking. Mark smiled, she smiled. What the fuck? He thought to himself. But still, no matter how fucked up it was, he didn't do anything. He just stood there. He knew he was scared, but he didn't feel scared. But it was also okay. What the fuck? He mused further.

A few seconds later, the creature growled again when they heard incomprehensible words thrown from the kitchen. Mark, unaware of why he did so, nudged the creature using the tip of his foot and said, "Married people. They do stupid things, don't they?"

The creature tilted her head to the side and gazed at him with green glowing eyes, scary but curious.

Mark chuckled. Why was he chuckling? Oh, well, who cared, he mused.

Shifting his attention from the creature to the door, Mark noticed that it was left ajar. So he approached it and just when he grabbed the knob, he heard a yelp, it was faint but discernable. Next, he knew, an arm wrapped around his chest, and a knife descended on his upper left stomach. He screamed. But that scream was muffled when the hand on his chest shifted to clamp around his mouth.

Mark fell slowly on the floor, and in his side peripheral he saw how the creature was sprawled, limbs limp and body jolting. She was being bludgeoned by a man who was perhaps the same age as Mark. His right was holding a lamp that continued to descend on the head and body of the creature while the other was clutching his own stomach.

The creature on the floor whimpered. She sounded like his dog when it was dying. Then Mark frowned. Why was he taking everything so lightly? What the fuck? But, oh well. If he were to die. He would die. Soon, his eyes closed and he lost consciousness, and when he opened them again, he was greeted with another sight that included the lamp bludgeoning a woman. But unlike earlier, it wasn't the female creature being assaulted. It was the bloody woman who greeted them on the porch. Mark winced when he moved. Shit, he thought. Guess I have been stabbed, but, oh well, he mused further.

He was about to close his eyes again when he felt the creature beside him steer. She's still alive? He questioned mentally. Then the creature flung herself up and landed on all fours. What is she, spider man? Mark thought to himself. He gazed at her full of curiosity and when she stood and tried to take a step forward, his hand shot out and grabbed her leg.

Lyli looked at him menacingly. Shit, he thought. When the creature growled, his hold on her tightened. What the fuck? Mark mused further. He had no idea why he had done such a thing and for a moment he feared for his life, but as soon as the emotion hit him, it dissipated as if a fog had descended upon his emotions obscuring, skewing her emotions until he felt nothing.

Then Lyli tugged her leg free from his grasp, she didn't have to, because at that time Mark's hold on her leg had already loosened.

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