Emperor AU (🥤)

Start from the beginning

Gopal tended to the wounded while Commander Koko ci and Admiral Tarung commanded the people towards the other side of the arena. He was wrapping the bloody knee of a shivering kid when an orange blob slammed to his side. It threw Gopal off balance, the aid kit flung away from his side.


The noise Gopal let out caused eyes to turn to him. Gopal should have felt embarrassed, if not for the anomaly he was seeing. His teammates immediately surrounded him, powers on display as they waited for the thing, sitting on Gopals' chest, to make a move.

And that thing was none other than-

"Help me!"

- an anthropomorphic kitten. A distressed crying toddler-sized kitten.

"Gopal! You have to help me!"

A cluster of confusion was directed to that molecule manipulator. Why was that cat calling his name?

"Who are you?!"

"Did you do this?!"

Fang and Ying shouted in tandem, eyes blazing alight with stored power. The show of aggression made the kitten growl in return, its orange fur standing like platoons in a parade.

Yaya quickly intercepted them all, blocking Fang and Ying from the kittens' peripheral. It's against their conduct to attack a civilian without concrete evidence of violence caused by them. It's written on the wall that these rules must be adhered to or else. They couldn't chalk the blame to this kitten.

She sneaked a glimpse to the Emperors' box at the highest level of the stadium, tinted windows covering whoever was in there. Yet, Yaya did not doubt that the Emperor was present. He was watching.

Yaya plastered a smile on her face and gently kneeled down to see eye-to-eye with the kitten.

"Hello little one", She greeted, keeping a calm composure. Yaya reached out a hand slowly.


"Yaya", the kitten called her name, an incredulous look on his face. Yayas' eye twitched at being interrupted but took a deep breath to induce her annoyance nonetheless.

"Yup. The one and only", Yaya cheered, "Since you've known my name. It's fair that we know yours and your purpose here".

The kitten kept quiet. Its sclera kept widening from circles to slits. Yaya thought that that was unusual. Yet the cat had barged in and assaulted Gopal, also calling the Kokotaim team with too much familiarity. No one addresses them like that.

Yaya was referred to as Captain, as well as Ying. Gopal is still a Captain-in-training, usually the members of the ship would call him CT.

Fang, on the other hand, was special. He adorned the title Ascendent. Linking his bloodline to the emperor. No one below him should call Fang otherwise. Unless you are a friend of his.

Yaya maintained a smile. Only her friends call her by name, and this kitten is an enigma.

"Tick tock lil guy. Time's ticking", Ying threatened, on the verge of patience.

The kitten fixed its gaze on the lithe form of Ying. Shock gracing the eyes and its mouth muttered something in disbelief. Ying raised an eyebrow at this but remained still. The emperor was watching. She could feel it. Ying turned her head to Fang, awaiting his orders. Yaya stood up without any rush, looking back towards Fang. Gopal too was looking at him, his fingers poised and ready to strike this strangers' jugular. The attack was well hidden that the kitten failed to notice it. They all were waiting.

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