PART 1 - Scene 1 - Heat

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The titles of the serial open with "The Curse Of Death Valley". "By CaptainThunderWho Century 22 Production". We begin with a scorching sun gleaming at the camera as we feel the heat over us through the sun's x-rays. An eagle flies through the sky with its elegant wings extended as it soars across a barren desert searching for prey. We pass over a gigantic landscape of empty land and scorched gravel stretching for miles and miles around. We see one little man staggering through the desert with sweat covered on his scuffed clothes. Zork pants heavily for air as we see a flare-up of sweat over his burnt face. As we see the fierce strength of the sun burning down on him, we are presented with another view of the vast emptiness of Death Valley around Zork. He drags his feet, thirsting for water or shade. Zork stops, defeated and completely dehydrated.


I can't. I must. Must not.

He stares up at the burning sun again before he continues dragging himself along for a little further. His feet fry on the ground and his head burns with agony from sunstroke. After taking more steps, he eventually collapses to the ground. As he gasps for air on the ground, we see him try to pick himself up and drag himself forward to pursue his failed voyage. The man begins to hallucinate, pretending he can see water and palm trees in the distance.

Water. Water.

His mirage is broken when he shuts his eyes in pain and frustration before he gives up hope and remains collapsed on the gravel. We see the shadow of the eagle above the sky beginning to circle above him, selecting Zork as the next victim to prey on. We hear creaking movement around him as three menacing shadows begin to loom over him. Zork lies beaten on the ground by the strength of the sun.

Water. Please. Give me. Some water.

We see the three men above him through Zork's eyes. He is not clearly seen as they are cast as a shadow through the beams of the sun.

Voice 1:

Mr. Zork? Mr. Zork? Please. Let us take you back. Take you back and help.


All I want. Is some. Water. Please. Help me.

Voice 1:

You are not well, Mr. Zork. Let us take you back. Take you back for correction.


No. No. Water. Water.

The shadows loom closer towards him.

Voice 1:

Take you back. And you'll be mended good as new. Good as new.

We see the shadows loom towards him further. The camera then cuts up to see the beaming sun again as we hear the cry of the eagle. We are then filled with whiteness entirely from the sun's rays...

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