|Chapter 31| The Unexplainable Tragedy

Start from the beginning

Well, that's a fact. Everyone loved desi cuisine. But I also liked italian but I never got the chance to eat it out in a fancy or lavish restaurant. I mean I made the Italian at home sometimes but never tried the real Italian ever. It's my wish to eat proper Italian one day. I nodded my head before assuring her

"Everything will be ready on time. And thank you for allowing me to make dinner."

She smiled before saying

"I know Zarnish is not happy by it and I hated it. But she needs to understand that now we have a daughter in law. She has to leave something on you too."

I nodded my head not saying anything. She looked pretty upset last night. Dado sighed before saying

"I have ask Kinza and Nimra to help you. They will help you once they return home. Till then the maids will be there to help you."

I again nodded my head. She smiled before informing

"I am going to a take a stroll in the nearby park. I'll be back by the time of lunch."

I nodded my head once again and she disappeared from my sight. I took a long breath before taking out all the necessary items to make Italian cuisine. Let's start the work, Shiza.

It was already evening when I was done with everything. I made chicken biryani as Karachis loves biryani. Then, I made white karahi with naan and some chicken wings. I learned to make these dishes from khala. She and I loved to kill our boredom with me learning cooking from her. She is the best cook ever. I loved her chicken biryani so much.

Then, I also made some pasta as something light would be needed. Kinza helped me a lot in all the work. She was nice enough to even conversate with me and cracked some jokes to lighten the atmosphere. Nimra straightaway declined to help me since she was angry that I took Zarnish's place. I didn't mind her. I mean anyone would be angry. But her words did their best in hurting me

"You're here to steal everything from us."

Kinza scolded her but she rolled her eyes and left for her room. Zarnish didn't even come inside. Others did come but only to belittle me and ridicule me. Zohra aunty taunted me by saying that I was only there to take away everything by them. She called me a stealer and a gold digger. How I wished to tell them that dado wanted me to marry her grandson. I didn't want to marry Shah Zain. But I can't. Shehnaz Ammi took a promise from me to never tell them the real reason of me agreeing to this marriage.

Khair, forget it. I had changed into the new clothes now. I am wearing a powder blue colored long kurti with off white colored pants. I wore minimal makeup since I had to work in the kitchen. I was right now in the kitchen checking the last minute arrangements. The maids helped a lot and half of the credit goes to them. I took out the kheer from the fridge before sprinkling almonds, pistachio and coconut on it. I put it back in the fridge.

I was taking out the crockery set from the cupboard when someone deliberately pushed me causing me to lose my balance. I tripped but succeed in keeping the crockery from falling on the ground. That was Zarnish. She snickered. I didn't say anything. She flipped her hairs before taking a glass and pouring water into it.

She drank water before saying

"You know you can never beat me."

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion before asking

"What do you mean?"

She sighed before saying cockily

"Your little kindness acts will take you nowhere. You are just a burden on this family and don't worry, we will get rid of you soon."

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