Whispering women/ Junji ito

Start from the beginning

That of course, brings us to now. Kirumi was still there. The last thing she was told was to stay in the room but while she was in the room, she realized she had nothing to do. She's doing nothing.

"I'm being useless... What do I do.. I need to do something.." she's already done the most she could. She's gotten so desperate as to use her gloves as cloths and the cleaning supplies she had for her personal hygiene for cleaning her room. She had taken out one of the buttons on her uniform to chip off any uneven paint on her walls or to crease out hidden dust between cracks of her room.

Now that she had nothing to do at all, she was just sitting there in a panicked position. Her hands were digging in her hair. The horrid aura that embraces her as she panicked only grew as she sat in her silent room.

"I can't take this anymore!" She raises her voice and starts to grip and pull at her clumped hair. She stands up with a shaky body. She doesn't know if it's from the lack of food, lack of sleep, or the lack of sanity. Perhaps it's all of them.

She had to leave this room. And as soon as she left, she needed to do something.

'Let's think logically' she thought. She was planning to leave her room and go straight to whoever would listen to her and give her something to do. Someone who's willing to give her orders. To tell her what to do.

To take out the obvious choices, Kaede and Rantaro. They're the god forsaken reasons that the killing game started. The reason Kirumi is forced to deal with this torture. Kirumi clenched her fists and continued to think.

She should avoid asking those such as Maki, Kaito, and Shuichi. Maki herself was the one who decided it was a good idea to keep her in her dorm room. With her connection with Kaito and Shuichi, they'll most likely agree.

Tenko refuses to boss around a lady. And with her attachment with Himiko, she'll make sure Himiko doesn't get near Kirumi. Also, who knows. Himiko might even drag down Angie.

Kiibo and Miu are a tricky case. Miu herself, in her own way, bosses around Kiibo. And Kiibo bosses around himself with his 'inner voice'. His inner voice is unpredictable in Kirumi's opinion. When Kiibo does choose for himself, he usually follows the others and either he follows Miu, his inner voice, or the others, he's not going to help her. Miu would follow Kiibo. So they're both out.

Tsumugi is an unremarkable person. She follows the crowd and then complains about how plain she is. With the majority agreeing that they won't request anything from Kirumi, Tsumugi will follow.

There are some people here that are so undeniably naive and that consists of Gonta, Kaede, Kaito, Himiko, and Tsumugi. Sadly most of them have already been exed out. However, Gonta can now be exed out as he will just follow what everyone else says.

That leaves her with Korekiyo, Kokichi, and Ryoma. Now, as shocking as it may seem, Kirumi can't think of any reason to avoid them. She tilted more towards Korekiyo and Kokichi only because, knowing Ryoma, he was the most likely to decline out of all of them. Personality wise, Ouma was the more unpredictable one. But that's not what made her circle in on him. It was his ultimate. The ultimate supreme leader would be more likely to give orders. It's common sense.

Kirumi reaches for the door handle and twists it, a creaky sound occurs as she opens the door by just a crack. Her eye peeks through the long slit of the door and she feels a sudden uneasiness. Had she just disobeyed an order? They wouldn't have wanted her to stay there forever, would they?

Once she confirmed that nobody was there she takes careful steps over to the door with the purple haired pixel next to it.

She stares at the door. Frozen in place. It's not a fear kind of frozen. It's the frozen that happens when your getting a sudden rush of an emotion. Excitement, anticipation, happiness? She doesn't know. She's finally out of that dorm after all.

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