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 ↑ Real footage of the girls gossiping ↑

Mina ran to her dorm yelling for all the girls.

'Girls! Tea Time!'

With them came Kirishima, Kaminari, and Deku. They all agreed to let them stay as long as they didn't say anything. They swore not to and with that the tea time continued. The boys each sat in front of one of the girls. They started to braid the boys hair or just put it up in a bunch of weird hairstyles.

'Okay, question doesn't Todoroki look so happy with Y/n'

The girls smiled. The boys looked around.

'yeah, they're adorable together'

'They make me feel so single'

'I'm happy they trust each other'

'SO! I was going to find Todoroki right because Deku said he wanted to train with him'

'o yeah I did say that'

'Yeah, and I went to Y/n because, well, she would know where her man is at'

The girls nodded while still braiding the boys hair. They ended up finding little combs and spray bottles. The boys sneezed and got a shiver down their neck because of the sprays of water.

'And when I knocked on the door, girls it was adorable'

She squealed to herself.

'I yelled at her to open the door and when I did she seemed all tired'

They were all waiting to hear what happened next.

'I told her if she knew where Todoroki was and guess what'


The boys asked now interested.

'She said 'yeah he's right here' and went to wake him up, they were sleeping together'

The girls squealed and let out ooh and awws about it'

'And Todoroki said that he was busy and it be 'greatly appreciated' if I'd come back later! AND he was laying his head down on her and hugging her, it was adorable'

She grabbed a pillow and hugged it tight.

'I wish I was in a relationship, man getting to do all those cutesy things together'

Everyone agreed now trying to see who would go good with who. Shipping people with other class rooms or their peers. Then leading to what teachers they thought were hot, that leading to heroes in general. It became a debate of who was hotter and who had better features. The boys left, backing away slowly to not get caught up in the mess. 

'Good thing we got away'

'right they would've made us choose who was hotter'

'Unmanly though, everyone's hot in some way'

'On a side note, good for Todoroki'

'Yeah, but I'm surprised he got a girlfriends before I did'

Kirishima and Deku laughed at Denki's comment.

'Good for him, he has someone he feels safe around'

They agreed with the comment.

【 ˖🜲˖ 】

'Hey Shoto...'


He says groggily over the phone. 

'Aizawa seems to have grown a fondness over you'


'Yeah, he asks if you're coming over or if you're okay and if you need stuff'

Todoroki felt a ping in his chest, he didn't quite understand what he was feeling.

'My chest hurts'


'Why does it hurt?'

His eyes then filled with worry and you were confused.

'Just now?'

'Yes, when you told me about Mr. Aizawa it made my heart hurt'

You smiled and laughed.

'Shoto that means you're happy'

'Happiness makes your heart hurt?'

He was now confused instead of worried.

'No, Shoto it means that what I said made you so happy that you had a physical reactions'

'So then why doesn't my heart hurt when I'm with you?'

'Cause there are different types of happiness'

'Different types of happiness??'

'Okay how should I say this??'

You thought to yourself as he sat down and pondered about everything. You finally figured out how to say it and went to him. You made him look at you and had your hands on his thighs.

'So that happy feeling that made that pain in your chest right then was from a parental figure caring about you and that made you happy'

You said and let go of him.

'It's different from the happiness with me'

'So that feeling was parental love and the one I feel with you is relationship love?'

'Yeah, exactly! See you're starting to understand emotions better'

He smiled seeing you be proud of him. Your back was facing him and you looked down at your desk. You looked at the schematics of different support items, seeing if it was possible to make then and how much of this and that. You floated a book over while you read it you wrote down details of improvement and design ideas to make it simpler and easy to function. 

Shoto stared at you, for some reason he loved seeing you work. The focused look in your eyes could keep him there for hours on end. Despite all of this, he had the urge to distract you and pull you away from everything. The longer he laid there, the more suffocating the room got and the hotter it got for him.

'Y/n can I take off my shirt?'

'mhm sure..'

You said without processing what he had said. Once you understood what he said you stopped abruptly and turned around. Shoto was about to lay down when you turned. You slightly what you think was his happy trail. Then laying there, no shirt, the blanket covering most of him but his shoulders and upper back. He hugged too pillow he was resting his head on and slightly dozed off. You turned back around. You picked up the pencil and book with your quirk but kept dropping them. You tried to focus but you couldn't. 

You turned around and leaned on the desk. You sighed and walked over to the bed. You physically tried to scooch him over. He did move and woke up.

'want to lay down?'

You nodded, too embarrassed to say a word. Shoto opened up the blanket and allowed you to hug him. It was the first time he has ever done that. You were noticeably cold, he used his quirk to heat you up and pulled you a bit closer. With that, you buried you head into his bare chest. He didn't know how to react but he allowed you. You were blushed HARD and couldn't stop thinking but there was a perverted moment of clarity. Without thinking, you looked down and saw his abs and his happy trail. Your mouth hanged open in shock. You started getting all these butterflies in your stomach.

'that's all mine 😝'

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