Last Kiss

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New Jersey ducked down as building debris flew towards their position. With just the simple addition of a Scarab, the choke point the UNSC intended to use as a kill zone was turned against them. Their intentional weak point was now being exploited to dismantle their defenses from within. Humanity wasn't out yet, however.

UNSC forces nearest to the breach scrambled to mount a counteroffensive in an effort to, at the very least, pad the bleeding. If the Scarab were allowed to rampage any further, it would undoubtedly topple more buildings which housed their anti-air fortifications; the only things keeping Covenant air support remotely at bay. New Jersey provided covering fire to Massachusetts as he repurposed a nearby anti-air battery to fire upon the Scarab's legs.

"All available Freelancer personnel, prepare to board that Scarab!" D.C. ordered over comms.

"You almost ready or what?" New Jersey asked, firing a prototype, handheld missile pod at the enemy. The Scythe briefly drooped before whirring back to life and tearing into the exposed joints of the Scarab.

"She's ready! Let's move!" Massachusetts recovered his shotgun and rushed for cover near the loading point on the soon-to-be kneeling war machine. The barrage of armor piercing rounds easily tore through its exposed limbs, momentarily bringing the beast to its knees.

"NOW!!!" they heard D.C. shout and they charged. New Jersey heard a clicking noise before Massachusetts' armor took on a purple glow and his associate stopped dead in his tracks.

"F****n' A!" Jersey muttered and pried a puck from Massachusetts' chest. The man's armor returned to normal and he began moving again. "Didn't you eggheads work out those kinks already?!"

"I just test these stupid things," Massachusetts retorted before slamming another puck against his chest and his armor regained a glow, but he maintained mobility. "Would ya look at that."

"Very fancy," New Jersey motioned for the man to lead the charge. Multiple other UNSC combatants poured onto the mechanical menace. Massachusetts fired his pistol at the few Grunts feebly trying to fend them off while New Jersey took aim at the ground forces guarding the legs, his weapon locking on to most of them, although the prototype missile launcher did waste some targeting priority on the sides of buildings, four of the six missiles fired from it found their marks, blowing up several Grunts and Jackals, and gravely wounding an Elite.

The two clambered onto the mobile platform and readied themselves for what might be their final action. New Jersey swapped the prototype for an assault rifle for the closer environment. When he brought his weapon to bear, he saw a glob of green plasma screaming towards his face.


The glow on Massachusetts' armor began to flicker and eventually faded before he blasted the Grunt that hit him. He glanced back and verified New Jersey's safety. His fellow agent gave an appreciative nod and pressed himself against the lower platform to use as cover, blindly firing his shotgun into the opening between them to temporarily keep the Covenant at bay. Massachusetts was almost tempted to slap on his last overshield prototype, but knew he couldn't risk it bugging out and freezing him again.

The fresh corpse of a Brute slid down the ramp and a few ODSTs called them up. Massachusetts followed the personnel and observed the progress thus far; they had established the smallest of beachheads, taking out the turret operators and driving the Covenant forces either between the gaps or towards the reactor.

"Screw blowin this thing up," he heard Jersey think aloud, "with these numbers, we could hijack this thing and give those freaks a taste of their own medicine!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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