1 - Thunderous towards Coruscant

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He wandered around his cabin, free from the machines that ensured his survival. He walked lightly, almost as if he were floating. He breathed deeply, filling his lungs with air, feeling invigorated.

He was ready to begin his meditation. Until then, Darth Vader had only been preparing his mind.

He was inside his meditation chamber, temporarily cut off from any contact with the outside. In the isolation of his acoustically sealed cabin, it was difficult to realize that he was aboard an Imperial Star Destroyer, which was currently traveling just above the speed of light.

He still had some time before the ship reached its destination: the orbit of the planet Coruscant. He would have an audience with his master, Emperor Palpatine, and it was crucial that he be mentally prepared when he arrived at the Imperial Palace.

As usual, before starting his meditation, Vader took advantage of the low brainwave frequencies obtained through induced relaxation to work on the reconstruction of his body, which was currently suffering from serious injuries from a deadly battle fought many years ago, one that almost cost him his life.

He knew that the "Force" could enable its wielders to perform unimaginable feats, such as the molecular restructuring of parts of an organism. The recovery of his vital functions, so that he could do without the aid of machines to survive, would only be a matter of time, patience, and the exercise of the mind over the body.

Visualization, imagining himself in a condition free from those devices, was one of the techniques he used to harness the "Force" for his benefit, allowing it to manifest in a directed manner. That's why he created mental images as if he were watching himself walking through the room with a completely healthy body. This was a rare technique that an experienced Jedi might seek to use, although the results depended greatly on their level of interaction with the "Force." However, Vader had learned to use it from a Sith perspective.

He deeply inhaled the oxygen-rich air in his hyperbaric chamber, projecting into that idealized image and, subsequently, into his own physical body, all his desire to restore it.

As he focused on his injuries, he was immediately transported back to that day... The worst day of his life. It was impossible to forget it.

He saw himself again, face to face with his former master. A whirlwind of emotions erupted in his chest. Much pent-up resentment and frustration, carried for years, then found the spark that would detonate them into hatred: jealousy.

How could Padmé betray him, leading Obi-Wan to him? She was different... She had been deceived! He had fooled her with his talk of immaculacy.

This had happened before. He himself had been a victim of Obi-Wan, who, on one occasion, had forced him to ignore the pleas of his dying mother.

He had to kill him! The reasons were many, and the feeling was pure hatred.

But everything had turned against him. Obi-Wan had taken advantage of his emotions, using his own destructive hatred against the newly anointed Sith.

Because of Obi-Wan, Padmé had died! He should have been the one mutilated! He should have agonized in the fire! Him! That damn him! The one I still harbor all my hatred for today! I hate you, Obi-Wan! I hate! Hate! Obi-Wan! Obi-Wan... Obi-Wan... - accused Vader as he trembled, obsessed with revenge, strengthened by the negative feelings that fuel the followers of the dark side of the "Force."

After compressing his diaphragm, he slowly released his breath and felt the power of the dark side emanating through him. A few minutes later, the phenomenon had passed, leaving only a sense of unhappiness.

Unhappy he was...

Now, the second stage of his meditation would begin, in which Vader would psychically investigate the reason why the Emperor had demanded his presence at the Imperial Palace on Coruscant. To do so, he had interrupted an important visit to StationLab, the Empire's hidden research laboratory.

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