The choice

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Week later.....

Lloyd's povs

I woke up in a small white room. I groaned. I then noticed that I had gotten stitches. Of course. But.....what happened? I then remembered everything, Cole, me getting captured, new powers. I looked at my hands."What have I become?"I asked myself."Oh! Lloyd Garmadon! You are awake!"Said a doctor."Yeah."I said. He then looked at some papers."You seem to be doing very well, one more week and then you will be good to go."Informed the doctor."Thanks."I said."I should call Harumi and your mother."Said the doctor."Um, if you wouldn't mind, I would like to call them."I said. The doctor thought for a moment."Very well. But just this once."Said the doctor. He then handed me the phone."Hello Rumi?"I said."Is...this a joke?"She asked."Nope."I replied."Prove it. When did we have our first kiss?"She asked."In the park on the bench. It was when you told me your feelings."I replied.

 She didn't reply for a moment."You really are Lloyd. Oh my god! You are okay! You are okay!"She said with joy. I laughed. We talked for a bit, then I called my mom. After like 5 minutes, I hung up. Not a second later, the phone rang again. I picked it up, thinking it was my mom or Rumi calling again."Hello? Who is this?"I asked."Take this as an offer. I want you to join me. I saw what you can do. Join me."Said a voice."Dad?"I asked."Uh! You just ruined a perfect twist! Great job! Anyway, what do you say?"He asked.

 I didn't answer right away. I wanted to say no, but another part of me told me to say yes. I sighed."I'll think about it."I said."Call me back when you made your choice. And if you say yes, but then back down.......I will put your little girlfriend in danger."He warned."How-He hung up. I set the phone down. Why didn't I say no? I am the green ninja! I can't work with my dad! That would only prove that I am like him. What am I going to do?

One month later......

It's been a month since my dad called. I don't know what I should do. I mean, he is the greatest villain in Ninjago....But on the other hand, he could teach me about my new powers. And if I don't join him, my new powers could get out of hand. And if I do, then I might put my friends in danger. Both of them suck. I looked at my phone. I started to call my dad."Hello?"He asked. I sighed."My friends nor Harumi will be harmed if I do this?"I asked."We will not put harm into your friends or anyone you love."He said."I am in."I said."We start tomorrow."He told me."K."I said. I then hung up. I hope I made the right choice.

Sorry for the short-ish chapter. Also sorry for the wait. See you in the next one!👋

Llorumi: High school dramaUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum