Chapter 29: Insane Dreams

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"There you are again." she greeted the nine-year-old silhouette with a sardonic grin, slowly rising through the desk and placing herself on top of Sarah's notes.

"I'd say it's good to see you too now, or I've missed you, but I think we both know that's far from true," Sarah countered her likeness.

"You just can't take a joke. I thought our last get-together was fun. I had a great time and by that I mean I enjoyed every moment of it." she said laughing.

Sarah meanwhile sat straight in her chair and watched the in her eyes sadistic beast closely. At the slightest wrong move she would...she didn't know what she really wanted to do or even could do.

"Oh, now don't you worry about it." the nine-year-old put in. "This time I haven't planned quite as much fun as last time. So you don't have to worry about what you're going to do to me."

"Can you use that mind-reading thing for something useful, or just for your own benefit?" the six-year-old asked.

"Well, a few days ago I would have said my advantage is your advantage, but now you think you want to change your mind. That goes against the grain. Do you know how long you've been living what I am and not questioning it?" replied the blue-shimmering Sarah, who was meanwhile diligently pulling on her cigarette again.

"Honestly, looking at you, too long. If I'd had one of those dreams before, I'd have done something about you before now. You disgust me!" she yelled to herself.

"Mimimi. Now that was really painful and hurtful you know. That's almost tantamount to self-injurious behavior." the younger Sarah replied, scoffing. "Besides, who told you that our current encounters were the first encounters? We met many times in your dreams, you just don't remember most of the meetings. But I can tell you one thing, every time we have met and competed in some way, I have marched off the field victorious, while you have had nothing to say. What you've been through so far is a kid's birthday party compared to what we've been through, well, let's say with each other" she further explained.

"I'd know if we'd been at each other's throats before, wouldn't I?" the older Sarah countered.

"Ever heard of displacement? Ever think you forgot or wanted to forget?" got Sarah to listen.

"And why would I want to do that? Can you tell me?" she asked her younger self.

"You actually answered that question yourself earlier. That's all I'm going to say about that." was the silhouette's curt answer.

The answers were once again very meaningful as Sarah had to notice. But always, the confrontation tonight apparently brought more than usual, even if it was not yet clear to her where this should lead. I suddenly noticed a fact that she had not noticed before. In every dream in which her younger self had appeared, diapers had appeared, but strangely enough, the younger Sarah had never once commented on diapers in any way. She had only ever put Sarah in any situations where she had worn diapers. She was also puzzled by the statement that she had already answered the question. She had not actually answered a single question. Moment, the other I as a representative of darkness came to her again in the sense. She had not yet found a light Sarah, as she had already discovered. Maybe she just hadn't found a light version of herself yet, because she herself, as she was now, was the light and therefore good Sarah and therefore had to face her dark side again and again. But that still wouldn't explain why her dark side didn't say anything about the diapers. Fucking repression, she thought to herself secretly. There must be more to it than that. That bitch doesn't show me up like that for nothing. If she really was the antithesis of the little bitch, then maybe she would get somewhere with her next move.

"Oh are we speechless?" she was jerked out of her thoughts by her fuming interlocutor. She grinned nastily in Sarah's direction again.

Sarah concentrated and closed her eyes. Hopefully this will work, she was still thinking to herself, when she suddenly heard a, "Hey what the fuck." from the nine year old's mouth. Sarah opened her eyes. Her plan had worked. The nine-year-old silhouette was now hanging upside down from the ceiling, looking rather silly. The nine-year-old's dress was halfway over her face. Under the dress Sarah heard only loud curses which she did not pay any attention to now. She didn't know how much time she had. She continued to look at the ceiling. Then she realized that her suspicions had been confirmed.

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