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"Y/n! Come on we gotta go!" I hear Five yell from the down the hallway.

I was sitting on our bed reading a book so you could imagine how confused I was when I heard Five call my name when he was supposed to be at work.

"Wha- honey, what are you talking about?" I ask him with a worried laugh.

I then see Five walk into the room with a lot of blood on him. The part that worried me and scared me the most was that he didn't have a single scratch on him in sight. I got up, throwing my book onto the bed and walking over to him.

"Five... who the fuck pissed you off now!?" I ask him.

"I'll explain everything later we gotta go!" He tells me.

"Wha- go where!? Five we've been in this timeline for four years! I thought everything was fine!"

"Everything was fine... but not anymore. We gotta go."

"Fine. At least get changed first so you don't get arrested." I joke.

"Yeah, there's no time we gotta go like... right now."

He grabbed two backpacks and started filling them up with whatever he could fit in them. He threw my bag at me and I slung it over my shoulder; him doing the same. He grabbed my hand as we ran out of our apartment and we ran to the car.

We got to the car and we both got inside it. Five threw our bags in the backseat then started running the car. He gripped the steering wheel tightly as he started racing down the empty streets.

He drove all the way until we reached a restaurant? That's what he rushed me out of the house for!? Not that I'm complaining I get free food AND a date night with Five. He opened the door to the backseat and handed me my bag then we made our way inside.

When we got inside... I saw everyone.

Luther and Sloane.

Deigo, Lila and their daughter.

Alison, Ray and Claire.


Sparrow Ben.


We're all here.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt arms around me. I looked to see Luther and immediately hugged him back. When we pulled away, he gave me a sincere smile and walked back over to his wife.

"So... you're all probably wondering why I gathered you all here..." Five started.
"I found a way home... home home... in 2019 in the Academy... no apocalypses..."

"What?! How!?" Alison asked.

"There's a reset button... I found it... it's in dad's house. I just gotta get down there... and I need someones help to do that so... that's why I picked Lila."

I stared at him.

"And what's wrong with picking your girlfriend?" I asked.

~♡Aidan/Five/Nicky Imagines♡~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora