Chapter 7

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Upon opening your eyes, you scanned the room and felt lightheaded, trying to make sense of everything that was happening. Why were you in this room? Why was Hazal in your dream? Where the fuck was Reyna to have your six? So many thoughts clouded your mind only for them to quiet down the moment a door opened and a frantic woman with gray and black hair rushed in. She seemed familiar. The beautiful chocolate brown her eyes held, the specks of gold hidden deep within them, how her skin seemed so smooth...the scar on her nose. It couldn't be Hazal..could it? You felt a pair of lips press against your own for a mere second as the ropes connecting your wrist were undone. You looked at her, confused but felt safe with her presence near. "Hazal?" You questioned and her palm pressed against your cheek gently, looking at you with guilt and pain as she placed a kiss to your forehead. "I love you, Y/n. I'm sorry for not saying it back then. have to leave. I don't want you in the Protocol, it isn't safe for you here. I know I said that I will give you answers but now isn't the time."

Her words pleaded with you, and you couldn't tell her no. Deep down in your heart, the same amount of love you held for the girl reappeared and you didn't want want leave her. Not again. But you followed her orders, cupping her cheeks with your palms and gave a quick kiss to the nose before leaving. You went through the vents and out of the facility, looking around at the blue ocean surrounding you and felt hopeless. You saw someone waving t you from the ground and jumped down, shaking the man's hand as he introduced himself "My name is Cypher. You're lucky that I owe Fade this favor or else you would be joining us. And don't worry, the cameras were off. Now let's go, we don't have all day." He ushered you into the plane like thingy before he set the destination to the U.S, going to drop you off in Minnesota.

It was a silent ride and a rather quick one, the male handing you a card and gave you a wink through his mask. "We won't be able to track you down as long as you have this card on you. Be safe friend." You gave a nod and walked off the plane, looking at the snow on the ground before seeing your two bags and grabbed them, sighing with relief since you still had your wallet. You gave another look around and realized that this was an old neighborhood you played in when you were a kid. You went to your old house, seeing that it was in decent shape and was for sale, peeking inside and smiled. They weren't home, it was snowy and probably the holidays. So you let yourself in, looking at the pictures of old memories you had, most of which were bad besides your friend being over. You felt a bit sad upon remembering your first and only friend you had in the States. How you killed him. You let out a soft breath, biting your lip in order to not let yourself cry and shook your head, going to you old room to see a shrine.

That was new. You never thought that your family had cared so much. The last photo they took of you was there, or- you're 7th grade yearbook photo since you looked presentable. It felt cliche. Looking at how you supposedly died to your family, how they set this up for you in order to remember you. They left your room untouched. You looked through some of your old clothes and let out a small laugh, forgetting about how much you truly were weird back then. The shirts were a bit of overkill, the pants screamed attention, it wasn't the best to look back on but still, it was a nice thought. You didn't even notice the sound of the front door opening as you searched your room and pulled out an old journal of yours, turning it to see the lock that was still on it, until then, your family was standing in the doorway shocked to see a stranger in their home. You lifted up the lamp shade and grabbed the key taped to the inside of it before unlocking your journal to read through your old thoughts.

"Who are you?" You turned your head, meeting eyes with your father and looked shocked to find them home and took out your phone to see the date. January 7th. Ah yes. You forgot that was when they usually get home, so you set down the journal and a small smile fell onto your lips. "Would you believe me if I said that my name is Y/n M/n L/n?" You questioned the male, looking at him as your smile fell and saw tears swell within your mother's eyes. "I'm dead. Aren't I? After what happened to Bsf/n, I'm dead. At least you thought I was." Seeing a head nod at your statement, the first to even pull you into a hug was your little brother, burying his head into your gear as he let out small tears. It was the first time you ever saw him cry, the first time he showed you any type of affection. You weren't used to the affection after all, the only time someone hugged you was your parents back in Turkey along with Hazal and her father. "I'm so sorry Y/n...I'm sorry for not being your mother. And I'm sorry that I didn't give you any attention." You listened to your mother as she cried to your shoulder and finally noticed the height difference. Mom was 5'4, B/n was 5'7, and Dad was 5'9. You were taller than all of them. You could barely tell with your dad though, as he just stood in the doorway, watching the three of you reunite before he made his way towards you.

"How can I be so sure that you are my daughter? It's been 3 years. How can I be so sure that you're mein kleines Mädchen?" He questioned you, pulling your sibling and mother away from you as he got into your face to confront you, thinking you were a poser. Anyone could speak German, but only your brother knew Turkish, since you did some digging back in Turkey and found out they replaced Spainish with Turkish. Which was the stupidest thing you've ever read. You were the only person in the town to have actually learned Turkish, but the moment people found out, they couldn't ask you since you were long gone. But speaking it wasn't necessary, you pulled out your old student I.D and showed it to him. "ben senin kızınım baba" You said and he gave a nod, holding out his hand for you to shake and you gave him a firm shake, being brought to the living room and sat down with the rest of your family. "Where did you go?" Your brother questioned and you just shrugged, pulling out your phone and looked at the lock screen, seeing Hazal. "To Turkey. I had there until all of this drama about my friend being frozen was over. And there, I met a girl-" "A girl?!"

Looking up from your phone, you looked at your family that held shocked expressions and let out a nervous laugh, running a hand through your hair and didn't notice the blood that was now in your hand. "Yes, a girl. Her name is Hazal, she was my best friend until I had to leave..." you sighed, turning off your phone and put it away before your mother noticed your bloody hand. "Oh my, we need to get you washed up, you have blood on your hand. But before she could even get near you, you held your hand up to stop her from doing anything and let out a soft sigh. "Anne, this isn't my blood. This is someone else's. And I'm afraid I'll have to leave the house by morning to protect you guys from harm." She looked at you, sorrow filling her eyes as tears threatened to fall again, making you feel guilty about coming back only to leave again. "What did you do? What must you protect us from?" Your father chimed in, sounding ready to kick you out to protect his wife and son, which was reasonable. You're now a threat. And you were sure those people apart of the Protocol would be after you again.

"I will tell you this. I'm no longer that sweet little girl you refused to raise since you wished to have a son, baba. But I am someone that people want on their side." You paused for a moment, pulling off the gear on your sleeve and rolled it up, making frost cover your arm as steam fell from your mouth to show just how cold your bloody was turning.

"I am a Radiant."

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