The Date

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Phoenix was sat at the counter waiting for any customers when someone walks in. She looks up to see a smiling Bill walking towards her.

"Hey Bill, what can I do for you?"

"What time do you finish today?" He asks as he stands in front of the counter.


"I'll pick you up from your place at 6 for our date"

"Do I get to know where we're going or is it a surprise"

"It's a surprise"

"What should I wear to this surprise date"

"Anything you want, comfy would be the better option though"

"Okay then, I'll see you at 6" She says, smiling at him as he leaves the shop and heads back to work. As 5 comes, Phoenix apparates home and heads to her bedroom to find something to wear. She chooses a light pink summer dress and some slip-on shoes along with her favourite cropped leather jacket. At 6, there's a knock on her door. Opening it, she sees Bill dressed in a pair of black ripped jeans and a white shirt with the top two buttons undone.

"You look beautiful Nix"

"You don't look so bad yourself" He smiles as he hands her the flowers he was holding.

"You ready?" She nods as he holds his hand out for her, which she gladly takes as he interlaces their fingers."We're apparating, you okay with that? "

"I'm fine with it now Bill, finally got used to the feeling" He laughs slightly before apparating them to a little beach. "Wow, this place is beautiful" Phoenix says, looking around.

"I'm glad you like it" Bill pulls her towards the sand before stopping at the edge to remove his shoes, Phoenix does the same. Bill leads her towards a picnic blanket that he'd already set up. "I remember how much you prefer small things like this over big fancy restaurants"

"Thank you" She kisses him on the cheek, making him blush slightly before they both sit down.

"So what's been going on in the life of Phoenix Siri Black since I left"

"Honestly, not a lot, Tonks tried to set me up with a couple of guys. I love her, don't get me wrong but she's a terrible judge of people"

"What were they like?"

"Stuck up purebloods is probably the best way to describe them, really not my type" She smiles at him.

"What is your type?"

"Tall and ginger" She says, smirking.

"Oh, so like Charlie" Bill says jokingly.

"Yeah, exactly like Charlie just maybe a couple of years older, not obsessed with dragons and a curse breaker" They both laugh.

"I've missed you Nix"

"I missed you too. I thought about coming after you a few times but nothing had changed, so it wasn't fair on you so I didn't"

"I thought about coming back a few times for you as well"

"I'm glad you didn't, I never wanted to be the reason you didn't go for your dreams." Bill takes her hand in his.

"Nix, I love you and I've been in love with you since I was 18. I want to give us a proper go this time. Will you be my girlfriend?"

"I love you too Bill and yes I will" He places his hand on her cheek.

"Can I kiss you?" She nods before he leans in, their lips meeting before he deepens the kiss slightly. He pulls away, standing up and holding a hand out for her, which she takes so he can pull her up. He leans down slightly and places his lips on hers before grabbing her and running towards the water.

"William Weasley, don't you dare" He laughs as he runs straight into the water. Phoenix squeals slightly before they both start laughing. She wraps her arms around his neck as he kisses her again.

Phoenix Black X Bill WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now