First Order meeting

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"Come on Phoenix the other members will be here soon" Phoenix rolls her eyes before walking out of her room to see a smiling Sirius.

"Any idea who the members are?"

"Not a clue"

"You do" Phoenix says noticing the look on his face.

"Maybe but I'm not telling you"

"Please Uncle Siri"

"Nope you'll have to wait and see"

"Fine but you suck" He laughs slightly at her before wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"I'm so happy to have you back"

"Me too Siri" It isn't long before Order members start to arrive.

"PHOENIX" Someone shouts as they tackle her making them both fall to the ground.

"Hey Dora" Phoenix greets her cousin Nymphadora Tonks.

"I've missed you" The girl with bubblegum pink hair exclaims, Phoenix's own hair turning a bright pink as she sees her cousin who is basically her sister.

"I've missed you too" They hear someone fake cough as Phoenix looks up at the smiling face of Charlie Weasley. "Hey Charlie" He holds his hand out for her and helps her up.

"Hello Nix" He gives her a hug.

"How are you Charlie?"

"I'm good, be better if my bestfriend would visit every once in a while" He smiles at her.

"I will, I promise" Looking around she notices the other redhead. "Hi Bill" She releases Charlie to give Bill a hug.

"Hello Phoenix, how are you?" Bill smiles down at her.

"I'm good Bill, yourself?"

"I'm good" Everyone starts taking their seats before Dumbledore takes the place at the head of the table.

"Thank you all for coming. The purpose of today's meeting is just for everyone to get introduced to each other. I'm aware a few of you already know each other but the younger ones" He looks at Bill, Phoenix, Tonks and Charlie "do not. Now, if everyone would like to introduce themselves" He points to the person beside him.

"Kingsley Shacklebolt" A tall black wizard introduces himself.

"Alastor Moody" The heavily disfigured man next to him says.

"Elphias Doge" A wheezy-voiced wizard says.

"Dedalus Diggle" Squeaked the excitable Diggle, dropping his top hat.

"Emmeline Vance" A stately looking witch introduces herself.

"Sturgis Podmore" A square-jawed wizard with thick, straw-coloured hair winked.

"Hestia Jones." A pink-cheeked, black-haired witch said waving slightly.

"Remus Lupin" Remus introduces himself quickly.

"Sirius Black" Sirius says, a smirk on his lips.

"Bill Weasley" Bill says before Charlie goes next.

"Charlie Weasley"

"Phoenix Black"

"Nymphadora Tonks but I prefer just Tonks" Tonks says.

"Molly Weasley"

"Arthur Weasley"

"Arabella Figg" An old woman with grizzled grey fly away hair introduced herself.

"Mundungus Fletcher" A short wizard with bandy legs and long, straggly ginger hair introduced himself next.

"Minerva McGonagall"

"Severus Snape" Sirius glared slightly at the man which is noticed by Phoenix and Remus.

"Right that's everyone. Next thing is Harry is returning to his Aunt and Uncles tonight. I want you, Arabella and Mundungus, to watch him, but don't let him know he's being watched" Dumbledore says before ending the meeting.

"Nix, I've got to head back to Romania" Charlie said, walking over to Phoenix.


"I'm afraid so and this time you better come visit, got it?"

"Yes, I got it, don't worry" She hugs him before he leaves to apparate home. Bill and Tonks hang around for a little while, along with Mr and Mrs Weasley. Phoenix notices Bill looking at her every so often and so does Tonks as she keeps nudging Phoenix.

"So Phoenix, what have you been up to recently?" Mrs Weasley asks, pulling her out of her thoughts.

"Oh, erm not a lot to be honest, still working in the apothecary in Diagon Alley"

"Bill's just transferred to Gringotts bank in Diagon Alley"

"Really, how come? I thought you enjoyed Egypt" Phoenix says, looking at Bill.

"I wanted to be closer to help with the Order" The others slowly start leaving the room so only Bill and Phoenix remain. "So how have you been?"

"I've been good Bill but that's not really what you want to ask me, is it?"

"Not really no"

"Just ask"

"What happened between us. I thought we had something good"

"We did and then you left. I was happy for you following your dreams but those were your dreams, not mine"

"I would have stayed for you" He walks over to her.

"I know but that's not what I wanted, I didn't want to be the one to stand in the way of your life"

"What about now?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm back and I've got no plans to leave again, how about giving us a chance now Nix"

"Bill" She smiles at him "I'd love to" He smiles back at her words.

"Well then, I want to do this right. Phoenix Black, will you go on a date with me?"

"I will"

"I'll let you know once I've got it figured out"

"Okay" She stands up and places a kiss on his cheek before walking out of the room leaving Bill alone, smiling.

Phoenix Black X Bill WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now