Chapter 6

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November 17th, 1973

"Why did he say no?" You asked Severus and he held your hand. His hands were rough and calloused from him making potions in his spare time.

"You know exactly when he said no," Severus said as his leg bounced.

"Please can I just get up?" You said as you lay on the hospital bed. You had just fallen a couple of feet from your broom when a bludger hit your broom and knocked you to the ground. You broke your arm and your leg.  The bludger hit your broom and ended up hitting your arm. You fell to the ground and landed on your leg.

"Why isn't Lily here?" You asked as you squeezed Severus' hand with your good hand.

"She is with," Severus paused, "with that Potter boy."

You groaned she was always with him. You didn't understand how she could like a person like James Potter.


September 8th, 1992

You couldn't believe your eyes on what you had just seen. You didn't want to believe it could have been Lily's son. He was so young there was no way he could pull that off. Then again he is a wizard but only a second year for that matter.

You are still upset with Severus and obliviating your mind from that moment. How dare he think you wouldn't feel anything? You understood though. You couldn't imagine being in someone's shoes, liking someone, and finding out later they didn't feel the same. Then again you could, you watched Severus follow Lily around like a puppy dog. You knew he would grow attached to someone, especially with how he grew up. He grows attached to someone when they pay attention to him and care for him.

You made your way to your private chambers and opened the door. You throw yourself onto the bed face down. You breathe out hard.

"Enemies of the Heir, beware."

That statement burned into your brain. It was the only thing you could think about. What did it mean? Why was it written in blood? You couldn't sleep so you go off your bed and made your way to Severus' private chambers. You didn't want to be alone, and you didn't want to be around Severus but in the past, he was always the one to comfort you.

You knocked on the door of his chamber and waited for him to answer. It took a moment for him to open up the door but then again it was one in the morning. He opened the door and he was in sweatpants and a long-sleeved shirt. It was strange seeing Severus wearing something different than his usual attire. Even though you had both been friends you never saw each other much outside of your Hogwarts clothes. "Why are you coming to my chambers so late at night?" He choked an eyebrow.

"I can't sleep, Severus," you pouted.

He rolled his eyes at you, "Are you not mad at me anymore? I thought I would be the last person you would want to talk to."

"You may have pissed me off but it doesn't mean I don't want to be comforted by my former friend," you paused.

"Come in," he said, "and just stop talking it is way too late to hear you ramble," Severus turned to the side and let you into his chambers.

Severus walked past you and made his way back to his bed. He pulled the covers over him and looked over at you. "Are you coming to bed or not?" He snarled.

"What do you mean?" You ask.

"I know for certain you will not be going back to your private chamber, especially with what you saw today," he paused, "now get into bed and go to sleep." He flopped his raven black hair onto the pillow.

"Should I sleep on the couch?" You questioned.

Severus groaned, "We have spent nights together when we were younger, what is the difference now?" He buried his face into the pillow.

You shrugged your shoulders, he was right. You both had spent nights together in the same bed. You would invite him over to your house which made him happy as he was not treated great at home. He didn't even have a comfortable bed. You knew this time would be different though. Severus was a man now, not a boy. He was built and ruddy. "Stop overthinking it and get into bed," Severus spat.

You nodded and jumped into bed. You turned so your face was not going towards him and your arse was towards his. Much to your surprise you fell asleep. You hadn't fallen asleep like that in years. You had a nasty case of insomnia and usually stayed up much later than anyone you knew.


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