Chapter 6: Izuku and Izumi

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Narrator's POV

Last time on The Breakers, Izuku continued to overcome the Four Hearts tests, after completing the First Test, Izuku made it to the Second Test, in which he must survive three waves. The three waves consist of former allies and adversaries that Izuku fought in his lifetime: The League of Villains, the Yakuza, the Pro Heroes, and Class 1A. Izuku killed everyone and survived, earning his second quirk: Brightburn. Izuku made it to the Third Test, where he must cleanse himself from hatred and faced a beast representation of his hatred, Izuku fought against the hate and earned his third quirk: Photokinesis (Light Control or Light Manipulation if you like to call it that.), but anyways, after slaying the beast, Izuku faced his Final Test, but something was not right with Izuku when the Final Judge told him about his final test, Izuku was approaching insanity, if he wanted new power, he knows what he sacrifices: cutting all ties with his past and embrace the darkness.

 Izuku arrived at UA, took the Judge's sword, and began killing innocent students of UA, that also includes Class 1A, Momo, and Izumi. After killing 1A, Izuku went outside and killed his own mother, leaving her for dead but the worst thing that broke Izuku, was him killing his precious daughter, Eri. Izuku has passed all four of the Hearts tests and acquired four different quirks, surviving the cruel dimension. After acquiring new power and returning to his dimension, Izuku broke down and cried, Alex and the boys comforted him, congratulating him for surviving the Hearts' tests and for acquiring new power, Izuku was free from that cruel test, earning his new quirks, but that experience, killing your loved ones and all of that, that is cruel at its finest.

But anyways, our story begins ten months (Izuku is now sixteen) after Izuku was incarcerated in Tartarus, throughout those ten months, Izuku has been cleaning his mind, trying to forget what happened in the Four Hearts dimension, but the memories never fade away. Izuku was sitting in the cafeteria, together with Alex.

Alex: you alright, lad?

Izuku: not really. It still hurts to remember, Alex. I've fucking killed my mom, my sister, my little snowball, my queen, and all of her friends, I don't give a shit about the guys but hurts so much to remember.

Alex: Lad, the Hearts created this test because they wanted someone to change society.

Izuku: what do you mean? 

Alex: Lad, I've spent some time and gathered some information about the Four Hearts, Vasily was partially correct that they are spirits of prisoners who died here, but the Hearts were formerly Pro Heroes who were sentenced here, by the corrupted Hero Association.

Izuku: so each of them was Pros...but...fucking hell...

Alex: they've been calling you for quite some time, little brother. Don't let their test haunt you forever, don't let fate or dreams bind you from what you're doing. Do what is necessary, understood?

Izuku: yeah, thanks, Alex.

Alex: don't mention it.

An arrogant prison guard walked up to Izuku and banged his table on the table, Alex got up from the table.

Guard: hey Deku, did you miss me?

Alex: oi, what the fuck-

The guard used his Taser gun and electrocuted Alex, causing him to fall to the ground.

Izuku: Alex!

Guard: I'm not done with you, Deku, you little bitch-

Izuku pickpocketed the guard, stole his baton, and whacked him in the face with the baton, the guard grew furious, so he pulled his pistol and pointed it toward Izuku.

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