"Should have known" – said Arash rolling his eyes and walking pass the man grabbing his suit – "FARAH! BRUCE!" – he called as he ran to the hangar while the man looked at him with a smirk but also worried

((((((((((((((( Time Skip )))))))))))))))

[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ Queens Sky, New York ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]

[ [ [ [ [ Quinjet ] ] ] ] ]

"Are you all done with your suit?" – Asked Arash while piloting the ship

"Yeah, I am, what about yours?" – Asked back Farah while walking to sit next to him in the co-pilot seat

"My suit is already on" – said Arash confused

"I mean that if you think you can do this with a brand new suit and just a day of practice of witchcraft" – pointed out Farah

"I can't just sit around and wait to see what's going on" – said Arash

"You could, but you don't want to" – said Farah

"It's true, I don't want to, I'm not an army wife that just waits for her husband to comeback from the war and hopes that he is safe and sound" – explained Arash

"What if something happens to you? We don't know what we are up against here" – pointed out Farah

"We do, is a Venom clone" – said Arash

"What?" – Asked Farah

"Peter said that he was fighting Eddie and Venom, so is either a Venom clone that we will figure out how that happened or...I don't even have other option" – said Arash

"Without your powers on full display, fighting against something like Venom, doesn't seem like it's safe for you" – said Farah

"I know, but I don't care about my safety" – said Arash

"You care about Peter's" – said Farah

"Yep" – said Arash – "I need to get back in action as quick as I can, because look what happened in just a couple of weeks after I came back and I didn't have any meaningful training, just moping around in hopes to get a glimpse of my powers" – he complained

"You were trying just best to trigger them and you were in the middle of a trial, an important one, so don't blame yourself for not trying your best on getting back on track with the superhero business" – defended Farah

"I just hope school helps me find a new passion and forget about this, superhero business is..." – trailed Arash

"Bad? Not what you want to do? Hard?" – Asked/suggested Farah

"Addictive" – said Arash – "once I had the power and did good things with them, I just wanted to keep going, I never learned when to stop, not even during The Snap when I was supposed to renounce my Vizier title and I have done that twice and here I am, going back at it as Nightcrow once more" – he explained – "sometimes I feel he is my rebel counterpart in spite of what Vizier represents and that scared me, because a bad counterpart just makes me feel like...he is still inside of me" – he added

"The Dahaka is gone Arash, he is not coming back and you are not him, whatever he did to you will not ever happen again" – assured Farah – "or has your uncle turned into a Dahaka Vessel/Monster after he used him too?" – She asked

"No...I guess you are right...and I hate that" – said Arash rolling his eyes

"You don't, you like it when I'm right" – said Farah smiling

"Yeah, you know...sometimes your wisdom reminds me of...her" – said Arash moving his hand to caress the necklace Natasha left for him

"I take that as a big compliment" – said Farah just when something beeped on the Quinjet an she clicked on the button that was flickering with the alarm

"Guys?" – Asked Felicia on the other side

"What? Did you guys find him?" – Asked Arash

"Yeah and you are not gonna believe what..." – started to say Felicia just when the sound of movement and something crashing interrupting her, then the sound of she grunting and more movement on her part was all they heard for a couple of seconds – "...are you guys close? You have to see this" – she encourages it

"We are, just a couple of seconds and we will be there" – said Farah

"Hurry" – said Felicia ending the call

"Ready or not, here we go" – announced Farah landing the Quinjet on the rooftop of a building close to where Spiderman, Venom and Black Cat were

"Let's move" – said Arash standing and quickly running to the door

Farah soon joined the Prince following him at the door of the Quinjet, once they got out of it and were about to join the others, they stopped at the sight of something very confusing, Venom was in a very hardcore fist fight with what it seemed another version of him but it was a red colored creature instead of black.

The creature kicked Venom to a wall while Spiderman and Black Cat both thew web bombs at it in hopes to stop it but the creature expanded its arms to hit them and then push both heroes to the walls on his left and right gluing them to the walls with their own webs and then growled at Venom.

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" – Asked Arash confused seeing the creature

"I guess you were right with the Venom Nº 2" – said Farah

Farah quickly shot a hook arrow to a building and balance herself down to the street while Arash shot a string of web from his web shooters to another building and balance himself down as well and both landed in between Venom and the red creature, Arash stumbled a little but manage to not fall on his face and turned to look at the alien's doppelganger that looked back at him and the woman tilting his head to the side.

"Ah...more people to join..." – trailed the creature creating two axes from his hands – "...the CARNAGE" – he added before he started to maniacally laugh

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A/N: SURPRISE CHAPTER DROP!!! Yep that's me giving the people what they need...even if it's 4 days late lol but I decided to give you guys this surprise day drop just because I'm awful and didn't update on Saturday, this time not because of power issues like last time but because of work stuff, but hey! better late than ever and more if you guys get 2 chapters, right?

And we have a lil more of the "Little Prince" and "Papa Stark" interaction with him helping and being worried for his boys Arash and Peter and we got our first full on suit mission and going against no other than Carnage, do you guys think the team will succeed at stopping him? or they will flop on it?

Please leave Comments and Votes so I know that you guys are out there and still support this book and thanks to anyone reading, thank you to anybody reading and I will see you guys on Saturday (for real) this time ✨🏹🕷⚫🐱‍👤

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So, I also have two other books called "Phillip Jones: Hellstrom" based on a character brother of Jessica Jones but it follows an original storyline and "TECHsupport" based on the show "Cloak & Dagger", both are not part of this universe of the main ones, but they are pretty cool one is my take on doing something less PG and the other is basically a teen superhero drama just like the show that is based from, I will appreciate if you guys support those books so...yeah just please give them some love, k' bye 🤗

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