P. FFT: Chapter 4

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P. FFTChapter 4

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"We need you to step aside Dr. Banner" – said an agent to the man standing at the main entrance of the mansion with other people behind him

"This is private propriety and you can't come here without a warrant" – said Bruce with his arms crossed standing on their way

"Dr. Banner, my name is Anne Marie Hoag, I'm the director of the Department of Damage Control, we are here to take Mr. Mohammadi, we do have a warrant from the government since he broke the Sokovia Accords" – explained a woman with white hair

"That news report was just rumors, I was there, how come you don't verify the source before doing something like this?" – said Bruce

"The reason we are here is to verify the truthfulness of the reports Mr. Banner, we are gonna investigate Mr. Mohammadi and see if the reports were true" – explained Anne

"But-" – started to say Bruce

"Bruce" – called Arash interrupting him and walking towards the entrance with Farah and Simon right behind him – "I'll go with them" – he stated

"Arash, you don't need to do that, Tony will help you, after all he is supposed to be the their superior" – said Bruce

"Not anymore" – said Anne – "our organization is under the orders of Secretary Thadeus Ross ever since The Snap" – she explained

"Of course, he will order you to do something like this" – complained Bruce

"It's okay Bruce, I talk to my uncle and Peter, I will handle myself to them and clear all this bullshit" – said Arash walking towards the group of agents

"Cleary, Foster, cuff him" – said Anne

"Isn't it pointless to do that? He can get out of those" – complained Agent Foster

"It's just protocol, he understands that, right your highness?" – Mocked Agent Cleary

"Don't play coy agent, I got nothing to hide" – said Arash offering his hands to them so they put handcuffs on him

"We can say the same to you Mr. Mohammadi" – said Agent Cleary putting the special handcuffs to the Prince

"Let's get moving people" – said Anne walking towards her car with the other agents and the Prince being handled by Foster and Cleary on each side of him

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