1. AC: Chapter 1

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1. ACChapter 1

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[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ Upstate New York ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]

[ [ [ [ [ Avengers Mansion ] ] ] ] ]

Arash, Peter, Eddie, Felicia, Farah and Simon were sleeping in the living room they were watching movies the other night, the couple joined the sleeping pile once the brown-haired boy helped the Prince practice more with the web shooters as they didn't want to ditch the them to be cozy together as they were all in group and didn't felt right.

"SIMON!" – yelled someone making everybody that was sleeping jump from the sudden noise

"What the hell?" – complained Arash almost falling from the couch he was sleeping but Peter hugged him right on time to not let him fall

"Dad?" – Asked Simon rubbing his eyes confused

"Get the hell up, this is not time to be sleeping" – urged Eric

"Why? What's going on I'm just hanging out with my friends" – said Simon

"Well, not anymore, move it" – said Eric and the boy moved slowly – "NOW! MOVE!" – he yelled making all the presents jump and his son move faster

"Right, right" – said Simon as he quickly ran to get ready to make his sure

"I'm sorry sir, but that was very rude of you" – said Peter

"Shut up boy, this doesn't concern you" – said Eric

"If you are rude to my boyfriend and yell at my friend, I'm afraid that it does concern me" – called out Arash

"Friend, huh?" – Mocked Eric before walking away

"Hey, I'm-" – started to say Arash when his boyfriend grabbed him before he could follow the man

"Cat, don't" – said Peter

"But-" – started to say Arash

"He is right Arash, don't waste your time with that guy" – said Farah

"Is his dad, I don't think there is much you can do" – said Felicia

"Even if he is an asshole though" – said Eddie

"Okay, okay, I'm calm" – said Arash sitting down sighing

"Anyway, thanks to the asshole alarm we are awake now, so we better go" – said Eddie

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