P. FFT: Chapter 7

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P. FFTChapter 7

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Arash was sitting in a room of the mansion that had an office with a library, a big desk, 2 sofas on each side and chair behind the desk and other two at the front, Dr. Sheik Amar sat on one of the sofas while Arash was on the other one in front of him with the lie detector already strapped to his fingers and chest.

"You know Mr. Mohammadi, in case you don't know how a therapy session works, you need to talk, you know like a normal conversation and stuff" – said Dr. Sheik

"I know, I just don't know what to say or know how much I can say" – said Arash

"Everything you said here is confidential, I'm just here to make my evaluation, well a practice one, I don't think a judge will take in count this one since your own family brought me here and all, but you all will know the result of one that could be made by a psychotherapist of their choice" – explained Dr. Sheik

"Wouldn't be better if I don't say anything? I mean that wouldn't give them anything bad to put on the evaluation" – said Arash

"That would just make everything worst" – said Dr. Sheik – "if you don't give them anything, then they will make their own truth instead of listening to your own" – he explained – "I don't think you want them to keep telling your story, right?" – he asked

"No, I don't" – said Arash with a sigh

"So, let's start with the beginning, why don't you tell me a little bit about you?" – Asked Dr. Sheik

"What do you want to know? It's not like my life is not all over the media, you can read it there: gay royal, former King during The Snap, now Prince again, parents died after a plane crash which means that I turned into the instant successor to the throne even I'm not fitting because I was just 13 years old, my uncle and aunt been taking care of me and my siblings ever since and I used to have superpowers...oh and apparently I'm a devil or a monster" – explained Arash – "anything else?" – He asked

"Everything you said just describes your past traumas and things declared by the press, none of that describes or defines you" – said Dr. Sheik – "I want to know your history through you, not through someone else's words" – he added

"Wow, you are good" – complimented Arash – "where were you during The Snap?" – he asked

"Trying to hold the pieces together of a support group and my wife, after one of our daughters was snapped at that time" – said Dr. Sheik

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