12. Between Grammys and Touring

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Mitch grinned seductively.

- Did your stomach wake up before you again?

Avi giggled.

- You know it almost better than me!

- Well, if it earns me a breakfast in bed, I will soon love it more than you!

- My stomach won't kiss you as well as I do, replied Avi, leaning towards him to score his point.

- Hmmmm, that may be true... Show me again to be sure?

- Greedy!

Avi finally pulled away from this second longer kiss and grabbed the tray on the floor to set it in the center of the bed. He climbed beside Mitch and began to eat his cereals. Mitch raised himself up on one elbow and grabbed the cup of coffee. He took a sip with a satisfied sigh.

- This is perfect. Not sure I will get up from this bed today.

Avi smirked.

- What? You don't believe me?

- Oh! I could even find ways to keep you here all day without getting bored.

- I'm curious.

- Let me feed that body properly and I'll show you what I have in mind.

He had a mischievous yet tender smile on his face. Mitch licked his lips.

- Don't look at me like this, I really need to finish my breakfast first!

Mitch chuckled.

When their breakfast was finished, Avi brought back the tray in the kitchen. When he came back, he saw Mitch coming back from the bathroom, still nacked. He suddenly wrapped his arms around his waist and lifted him, saying:

- You said you wouldn't leave the bed! Your feet mustn't touch the ground today!

- Hey! I needed to pee!

Avi chuckled and brought him back to the bed. He sat him, removed his clothe and lay down on his back beside him, crossing his hands behind his neck and saying playfully:

- Here am I, my Prince. Fully yours for your entertainment today.

- May I do whatever I want with you? May I ask you like anything?

Avi narrowed his eyes and whispered "yes."


Mitch kneeled down between Avi's legs and ran his hands on his body, lovingly exploring it from his face to his legs. He looked like a child about to open a bag full of candy.

Avi had still his hands tangled behind his neck, a slight smile floating on his lips. They were staring at each other, silently. Mitch leaned down to kiss Avi softly on the lips, and slipped his lips down along his body, sending chills in Avi's spine. He made him bend his legs.

Avi closed his eyes and moaned when Mitch took him in his mouth. He moaned even louder when Mitch's fingers slid slowly into him. He was already a mess when Mitch leaned over him to finally enter him, whispering in his ear "you are so beautiful!"

Mitch thrusted into him slowly at first, grabbing Avi's hands when he removed them from behind his head and pinning them on the mattress. Avi opened his eyes and gave him a surprised glance, but Mitch kissed him briefly and muttered against his lips "whatever I want..."

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