Pregnancy Cravings

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Maya came out of their babygirl Drew's bedroom from putting her to bed. Drew and Carina fell asleep on the couch

At around 10pm Maya got out the shower and woke Carina up so they could both go to bed

Carina woke back up at around 12pm with the worst craving for the McDonalds m&m's mcflurry, an apple pie with some fries

She got up from bed with a grunt at how heavy stomach was since she was 8 months pregnant with their baby boy

She walked to the kitchen looking through the cupboards and the refrigerator to see if she could find something to satisfy her cravings

"Mamma mia" she groaned when she realized she didn't want anything other then what she craved

"I don't even know why I'm crying, I hate Mcdonalds" Carina thoughts ran loudly through her head as she's contemplating whether to wake up Maya or wait it out

She laid on the couch for a good 30 min and then made her way to their bedroom looking at Maya lightly snoring

She finally made her way over catching a glimpse of the time that read 01:02am


"Maya, bambina"

"Yeah?" Maya mumbled groggy squinting at the light from the bedside light

"I'm so sorry to wake you but can you please go to McDonalds for me?" Carina pouted

"What?" Maya asked still in a sleepy confused state

"Can you please go to McDonalds and buy me a m&m mcflurry with some fries and an apple pie?"

"Baby? What time is it?" Maya asked stretching

"It's 1am, I'm sorry to ask you to wake up but I'm really craving it is Bella I can't even go back to sleep" Carina said looking at Maya with tears in her eyes

"You know what, never mind it okay" Carina said feeling bad for waking up Maya after her shift and a 3 alarm

Maya sighed rubbing her eyes and threw the covers off her

"Stai davvero andando?" Carina asked tearing up (Are you really going?)

"Yeah" Maya mumbled rubbing her eyes and grabbing her glasses since she's not gonna put her contact lenses in but she need it to drive at night

"What am I getting? Apple pie? You don't even like apple pie Carina" Maya said slipping on one of Carina's Università Milano hoodies

"Can you please get me a M&M mcflurry, large fries with an apple pie" Carina asked following Maya

"Okay" Maya said grabbing the nearest car keys that happened to be Carina's  Porsche keys

"Are you sure it's open?" Maya asked stretching

"Si, bambina it's 24h"

"Ok baby" Maya said slipping on her Nike slides at the door

"Ti amo bambina, dammi un bacio" Carina pouted her lips

"I love you too baby, because if I didn't I wouldn't be leaving our warm bed at 1am" Maya said placing a kiss on Carina's lips

"Ti voglio bene!"

"I'll be back" Maya said closing the door


"I can't believe I'm going to Mcdonalds at 1am" Maya yawned putting her seat belt on and turning on the car

Maya arrived at McDonalds she got what Carina wanted and also grabbed a smoothie for herself before driving back

When she got back home it was just after 2am

She walked into the quiet house making sure she closed the garage door and locked the door

She sat the bag on the counter and went to their room to look for Carina

"You've got to be kidding me" She grumbled looking at Carina laying like a starfish on the bed snoring


"Sto scherzando" Carina laughed sitting up [I'm joking]

"It's on the counter" Maya said shaking her head at her wife messing around at 2am

"Thank youu" Carina groaned trying to sit up which seemed like an impossible task these days

Maya smiled helping her wife up and of the bed

"Grazie Bella, for the help and the Mcdonalds" Carina chuckled placing a soft but passionate kiss on Maya's lips

"You're welcome" Maya said following Carina to finish her smoothie

Maya chuckled at Carina doing her little happy dance when she opened the bag

But that smile quickly disappeared when Carina put some of the Mcflurry on the apple pie and topped it off with the fries

"Mio dio che è così buono" Carina moaned [My God that's good]

Maya lost all appetite and sat the smoothie back down on and Carina grabbed it and took a sip washing all the other things down

"Yeah have at it. I'm going back to sleep" Maya said with a disgusted look on her face

"Goodnight my love, thank you for getting me this. I love you" Carina smiled putting her hand on Maya's cheek

"Of course babe, I love you too" Maya smiled placing a kiss on Carina's forehead

As she passed by Drew's room she peeked in to make sure she's still sleeping

She was knocked out laying on her slide clutching the covers to her body snoring lightly

She was knocked out laying on her slide clutching the covers to her body snoring lightly

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Mays smiled and placed a kiss on her daughters forehead

"I love you Drew Giovanna" she whispered before existing the room and going back to theirs

Hoping back under the covers and almost immediately fell asleep she was  exhausted after her 24 hour eventful shift

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