Carlo Deluca-Bishop

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"Mamma, I go to Tía's house, per 'vore" Carlo ask laying his head in my lap pouting

"You can call and ask if she's home bambino and if it's okay with her" I told him kissing his forehead and handing him my phone taking a seat and rubbing my very pregnant belly

He facetimed Andy who answered on the 3rd ring

"Hey it's my favorite Deluca-Bishop!" Andy cheered making Carlo giggle

"Tía!" Carlo cheered through his giggles making me smile

"Tía,  you home? I come over?" He said all in one breath

"Si I'm home and Si you can come over Marco is over at his friend's house though" Andy told Carlo and he just shrugged

"Okay! I come play with you Tía" Carlo said rolling his eyes like it's the obvious answer making Andy and I laugh

"Mijo you're too much like your Mommy with that attitude" Andy said through laughs

"I come over now Tía! Ciao!" Carlo yelled then hung up the phone

Just then Maya pulled into the driveway

"I ask Mommy to take me!" He told me then ran to the front door

"Ah Carlo Micah Deluca-Bishop! You know you don't open the door without an adult present" I scolded him making him pout

"Wait for Mommy to come in then you can ask her Amore mio, you know better" I told him sternly

"I sorry Mamma" He said walking over to me and wrapping tiny arms around my neck as best he could with my belly between us

"It's okay bambino I'm not mad, I love you" I kissed his cheek repeatedly until he smiled and broke out into giggles

"I love you too Mamma and I love you Sorellina" he said placing a kiss on my belly like he seen Maya do a thousand times

"Good morning! I'm home!" Maya said walking through the front door

"Mommy! Can you take me to Tía please" he grinned pulling on her hand

"Uh yeah sure? Did Mamma say you can go?" She asked looking over in my direction and I nodded

"Yes! And I facetime Tía!" He yelled making us chuckle

"Okay bubs, let's go" She chuckled walking over to me and bending down

"Your son is a crazy" She mumbled against my lips and placed a chaste kiss before pulling away smirking

"Oh so he's my son when he's crazy but when his being all sweet his your bubs?" I laughed making her chuckle and kiss my lips

Just as she was about to deepen the kiss Carlo whined from the door "Come on Mommy, Tía is waiting"

"I'm coming bubs" she said standing straight

"I love you, I'll be back in a few"

"I love you too baby" She said kissing my belly

"I love you too Chief Deluca-Bishop, hurry back" I winked giving her a suggestive look making her damn near sprint out and grab Carlo on the way who thought it was a big joke


A few hours later


"B-shift has been called to a 3 alarm so A-shift has to go in so I'm going to pick up our son" I got out of bed and threw on some clothes before giving Carina a kiss and running out

"Mommy!" Carlo squealed when he saw me walking through the door

"Mi sei mancata Mommy" he jumped into my arms and wrapped his arms around my neck

"I missed you too Bubs" I chuckled standing up with him in my arms

"Dov'e la Mamma?" he asked with a cute inquisitive look on his face

This little boy really has my whole heart "She's at home, love" I said kissing his cheeks making him giggle

"Stop mommy!" he squirmed through the fists of giggles

I laughed and sat him down

"The little guy turned you into a bigger softy than Carina has" Andy laughed pushing my shoulder playfully

"Fuck off" I laughed knowing it's true


It was 6:45pm and I just put on Carlo's firetruck pj's and was about to put him to bed but he cried for Carina wanting her home to him to bed

Carina got called in to do a emergency C-section just when Carlo and I got home

So we facetimed her and she said she'd be home in 15 min to put him to bed

"Mamma you're home!" He grinned when Carina walked into his room

"Hi my Amore mio, why did you call?" She asked kissing his cheek and sitting next to him in bed

"Be-Because I wanted you to put me to bed" he stuttered slightly "You was gone, You was working and only Mommy came to my room to put me to bed"

"Mi sei mancata Mamma" he told her making me smile and just admire their bond

"I was sad be-because I missed you Mamma" he told her pouting

"Mi sei mancato anche tu bambino mio" she said kissing his head "I'm sorry you were sad, Mamma was working"

"I know you were helping Mamma's and their bambini" he giggled making me smile

"Okay let's put you to bed my love" Carina said grabbing the book they were reading

I walked in and kissed his head "Goodnight Bubs, I love you"

"Goodnight Mommy, I love you too" He said puckering his lips

And I pecked his lips and walked out the room to tidy up the living room a little

"The bambino is fast asleep" Carina said coming downstairs

"Having that little boy was the best decision we've made" I said wrapping her arms around her waist resting my chin on my chest and looking up at her

"100% baby" She smirked kissing my lips

"I love you so fucking much" I said kissing her passionately

"I love you too bambina, so much"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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