The Craziness Of The Deluca-Bishops

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Carina loves a good clinic day at Station 19 especially now that she get to see her pregnant wife waddling around the Station

"The bathroom is that door over there when you're done" Carina smiled at the young woman

"Thank you" she smiled shyly


2773 Gordon STREET

"Officially a 4 alarm let's go 19!" Andy yelled out as the ran jumped into the trucks

"Aw I love a good 4 alarm" Maya whined stomping her feet cutely

"Not with my bambino inside you, you don't" Carina eyed her with a 'say something else' look

"No I don't" she mumbled with tears in her eyes

"Awh bambina don't cry" she bit her lip to stop her from laughing and pulled Maya in for a hug

"I love you" Carina smiled pulling away from her wife "But I have patients and you have a desk to get back to" she placed a kiss on her forehead and Maya whined making her way back to the front deck


"Okay Jenny so you tested negative for all STI's but your pregnancy test did however come back positive don't have the proper equipment to determine how far but you can swing by my office at the hospital tomorrow and I can help you with that" Carina smiled sympathetically at the 18 year old

"Uhm I.. I... " she started to breath quicker and Carina sensed a panic attack coming on

"Okay Jenny deep breath in hold for 4 and breathe out, we can discuss all you're options tomorrow after we've determined how far along you are" Carina reassured the young girl

She nodded and after doing all the paperwork she left with a promise to see me at GSM tomorrow

"Mama!" a familiar voice squealed running up to me

"Ciao Amore!" Carina giggled at her 3 year old daughter

"How was school?" she asked scooping her up and kissing her cheek

"So much fun! I color a firetruck!" Malia yelled out making Carina chuckle at her excitement

"You did?! Did you bring it so I can see?" Carina asked setting her on the floor

"Si! Mommy took my bag upstairs" she said pointing toward the beanery

"Well let's go up because I need to see this firetruck" Carina laughed when the little mini me climbed the stairs on all fours

Carina scooped her up once again put her at top of the stairs and she took off to the beanery

"Deluca-Bishop! Put Malia down" Carina scolded walking into the beanery seeing her 8 month pregnant wife pick up their 3 year old

"Ouu Bishop's in trouble" Travis teased making Maya glare at him and pointed Malia to the table where her bag was that she asked for

"Guarda mamma!" Malia ran up to Carina

"Wow bambina Questa è la foto più bella che abbia mai visto" Carina grinned

Malia's eye caught the probie Kaylee Pérez sitting at the table in her own world looking sad and she was all teary eyed

She walked over climbing on her lap and wrapped her tiny arms around her neck

"Don't cry Kay, you are still a bad bitch" she said very innocently

Travis almost spit his coffee out while everyone quietly giggled

"Victoria Hughes! I let you babysit my child once! ONCE!" Maya stressed trying not to laugh at her wife's shocked face

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