Chapter 28: The Confession(s)

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"That's why you kept coming up with new outlandish excuses? Wouldn't it have been easier to just tell me? Do you really think I would have laughed at you and why did you change your mind in the first place? Why did you come here today of all days with the intention to spend the night here and how were you going to do that with the diaper secretly?" Sarah continued with the questions.

"Well, I don't want to offend you, but I think as your best friend I'm allowed to do that, you know, you've sometimes been just obnoxious and hostile to many unknown people, so I was simply afraid that this would also affect me. Don't get me wrong, you've always been fair to me, sure you've sometimes picked on me from the side or bitched at me, but I've done that to you too. I was just afraid that what we have and had apart. Why I decided differently today. Hmmm...I think it was your reaction to wanting to keep me from Kathi's bag and our conversation afterwards and of course the conversation I had with Kathi this afternoon. I used that to get Kathi's teeth into what you think about diapers and she assured me that you don't have a problem with it and that you're not being mean to her. I then thought for a long time whether I should risk it or not, but then decided in favor of it. In the worst case I could have called my mother and gone, but I think that's done now, isn't it?" Sandra described to Sarah.

"So because of me you don't have to get picked up. Um...Sandra..." she continued. "What exactly did Kathi tell you?" she asked uncertainly.

"She just told me that you didn't seem to have a problem with her wearing any," Sandra replied.

Sarah breathed a sigh of relief.

"Um Sarah there is something else I wanted to ask you so definitely more than one thing, but just one thing." started Sandra babbling in her usual manner.

"Sandra don't digress!" she admonished her friend. "You've answered a few questions for me, I'm sure I have a few more questions too, but let's just do the classic quid pro quo as the ancient Roman would say."

"You also chose Latin just to be able to say clever things, didn't you?" asked Sandra with a smile.

"Now don't pretend you didn't choose that for the same reason," Sarah replied with a grin. The conversation seemed to be going in the right direction Sandra thought. Then this was probably the best time to ask her question.

" my question. Are you going to tell me why there's a diaper in your hamper?"

Sarah turned white as a sheet when she heard the question. A thousand thoughts flashed through her mind. Had Sandra gone through her things or how did she know there was a diaper in her hamper. How could she know that. She took a deep breath. Maybe there was a perfectly logical explanation. She took another deep breath.

"What makes you think I have a diaper in my hamper. Besides, why would that be mine?" asked Sarah to her friend.

"So when I was just up here to put my stuff away, I got a little upset and kicked your laundry basket, I put it back in. In the process, I discovered a diaper. Apparently it's not Kathi's, I've already asked her." she explained her find.

"Um...the...I...shit." began Sarah and broke off again. She took a deep breath. "Alright. I'll tell you, but only if you don't laugh at me. Promise?" asked Sarah.

"You think I'm laughing at you? I told you about not even 10 minutes ago that I wear diapers at night and you think I'm laughing at you? Believe me that's not happening." replied Sandra.

"You're right. Besides, what could get more embarrassing now, I already woke up in front of you in wet pants?" started Sarah. She went to her laundry basket and rummaged out the diaper from between the clothes and sat back on the bed, she had put the diaper on her legs. Her hands were shaking, Sandra had the feeling she was shaking all over. Sarah slid off the edge of her bed back onto the bed and leaned back against the wall. Sandra waited anxiously for an answer from Sarah, but she apparently had to gather herself again before she could say anything.

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