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Janet's POV

"Princess it's time to wake up," I said kissing Toni's face. She groaned, then whined pushing my face away from her. It's 4 in the evening and I need her to get up, I don't want her to be awake up until 1 in the morning.

"Come on up, up," I said picking her up out of her crib. She rested her head on my shoulder trying to go back to sleep. I went over to the light switch and turned it on causing her to yell and whine more.

"I know mommy is horrible for waking you up," I said kissing all cheeks. She rubbed her eyes trying to adjust to the light but I stopped her tell her to blink hard. She started squinting at me and I could tell she probably couldn't see me. Last year we had to get Toni glasses. She can't see anything close up. I put on her glass that takes up half of her face and smiled once she saw me. She's still pouting, once she saw me clearly she then laid back on my shoulder. I laughed at her pouting and could tell she was 2 years old, which for Toni she not good sometimes. She called her terrible twos Toni. I walked down the stairs and see Taraji outside doing work. I place Toni down on the floor and she walked over to her toys that were in the living. She grabbed her shopping cart that goes to her grocery store play set. Toni is 5'1 and the cart is to her perfect size and height. She pushed it outside, then she wave hello to Taraji and Taraji blew her a kiss. Toni blushed and ran towards the poolside.

"Toni do not get that pool," I said quickly behind her. She looked me directly in the eyes and pushed the cart into the pool.

"Toni Michele, get it out of the pool," I said in a harsh tone. She grabbed it out of the water and then looked back at me. She pushed it in again but this time she watched it go straight down in the deep pool.

"Toni!" I yelled hurrying to the pool to get the cart.

"Mommy swim?" She asked pointing to the water. I shook my head no. Tears started to brim her eyes and I know I'm going to lose this battle if I don't say yes.

"Ok, baby you can." She jumped up and down screaming yay. She ran back inside waiting for me to come back with her cart dragging beside me.

"Awe, you got your hands full today, baby," Taraji said going back to her laptop typing. I flicked her off and went inside. Toni's clothes were scattered around the living room floor. I Looked up and see Toni dancing at the top of the stairs naked.

"You silly girl, go in the room and get your swimsuit." She nodded her head and went into her room. She came back out with her hot pink swimsuit. She handed it to me to help her put it on. I got her dressed and she skipped out of the living room heading to the pool. I picked up all of her clothes and put them upstairs in the dirty hamper. I came back downstairs and see Taraji with her feet in the pool with Toni sitting in the shallow splashing in the water.

"Mommy! Tub!" She yelled pointing to the hot tub once she saw me. I nodded my head and she quickly stood and carefully walked over to the hot tub. We turn off the heated feature on the tub because Toni likes to sometimes goes underwater and "swim", she can't swim for the life of her. And the hot tub is only 4ft. I sat at the edge with my feet in and watch her go under and popped back up, saying surprise. She went back under and popped back up. Taraji came over and sat behind me hugging me from the back and kissing my neck as we watch our little girl play around.

"Mommy count!" She yelled excitedly.

"Ok baby, 1...2...3." She went under. Causing Taraji and me to laugh at her silliness.

"Ok, baby, 1...2...3... come back up!" I yelled so she could hear me. She didn't popped back up.

"Toni, stop playing baby, and come up," Taraji said, but Toni didn't come up. We can't see her because the jets are creating that foaming bubble effect on the top. I stood up and quickly went in trying to feel her around. But she wasn't there.

"She not in her!" I yelled now panicking.

"What!" Taraji yelled running inside to get Joey and her phone I guess.

"Surprise!" I look over and see Toni in the pool.

"Toni!" I yelled.

"What?" She said looking confused.

"Where were you? You scared us to death!" I yelled, at her with anger.

"I went into the secret door in the hot tub to surprise you, I no mean to scare you." She said now crying making me feel bad. I got out of the hot tub and went over to the pool since I'm already soaking wet I might as well get her out of the pool. Taraji came back out with Joey and I guess is on the phone talking to my mother. We always call her first since she was a first responder, she trained me in CPR and first aid when I was in high school, so god forbid if Toni were to ever drown I would be ready.

"Where was she?" Taraji said angrily.

"Princess wanted to surprise us by going through the secret door in the hot tub and surprise us in the pool.

"I no mean to scare you." She sobbed. In my shoulder. Taraji looked at me relieved but kinda upset still.

"Thanks, Joey," Taraji said looking at him while taking Toni out of my arms.

"I'm going to go bathe her. Call your mother back she might be on her way here." Taraji said. Holding a shivering Toni, walking back into the house.

"Sorry, Joey for the false alarm."

"It's ok, little one and I play that game all the time." He said handing me a towel.

"What?" I said confused.

"Yeah, I've been teaching her how to swim and hold her breath underwater when we play the game.

"Ok, that makes more sense, because I was hoping she didn't know about the hidden tunnel to the pool." Are pool was weird when I bought the house it has a connection to the hot tub underneath it.

"It's all good because at least little one knows how to swim." He smiled showing me the bright. We got back in the house and I see my mother and father talking to Marie.
Oh shit, I forgot to call them.

"Janet, where is she?" My father yelled anxiously. He and I both ran up to me, scaring me a little.

"She fine, she upstairs getting a bath, with Taraji's help," I said reassuring them. They sighed in relief then my mother smacked me on my arm.


"Don't scare us as that worry us about our grandbaby."

"Mama! Papa!" I heard from up the stairs. We all look up and see Toni jumping in Taraji's arms in her Princess Tiana pajamas.

"Oh, baby!" My mother said yelling running up the stairs with my father right behind her.

"Mama got you baby, papa and I will take care of you." My mother said taking Toni out of Taraji's arms. They walked back downstairs into the kitchen leaving all of us the stare at each other.

"You didn't call and say never mind," Taraji said looking at me annoyed.

"My B," I said smiling innocently.

Mommy's little princess 2Where stories live. Discover now