Chapter 14

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(Theo's POV)

"Tell them, their luna has arrived"

To be accepted, so quickly. He had already concluded that he wanted me as his luna, with no hesitation whatsoever.

Jamie- Even I don't know how to react.,

I'm mated, to my mate's rival. A gold obsessed tyrant wants me as his luna, just seconds after finding out I'm his mate.

Why..does that make me so..


I'm used to being a beta, being the assistant. I was never built for the spotlight, especially not beside the alpha ( at least not as the person to be by his side forever in a romantic way).

I was..never the first priority.

But I was happy that way.

Yet..this unfamiliar feeling of sudden acceptance.

Makes me wanna cry in happiness.

Damon's rejection suddenly lingered within my memory causing my fingers to lightly shake beside me. Yet I remained standing firm.

In front of me stood one of the most powerful men within this realm. Golden locks, with red eyes that outshined the finest rubies, yet..with such terrifyingly longing gaze. My mate

I can't move.

"Theodore Willson, ha..I could never have guessed" He purred not before grabbing my hand kissing the top of it lovingly.

"But with your will within the battle field and my authority, we're a match made, in both heaven and hell. I should've known sooner." he chuckled not before fixing my hair lightly.

I could still feel Jero's eyes behind us, his emotion filled pheromones with both confusion and un acceptance was so thick It felt like I could cut it with a knife.

"Now let's-"

Suddenly the door slammed open revealing a maid, along with her stood the familiar boy that had made my heart skip a beat.


"Sir I have bought-" within seconds I quickly ran towards the maid with my son running almost instantly within my arms.

My son!!

My son is here!!

Goddess..thank you.

Thank you.

"Your alive!" I couldn't help but cry as my son wrapped his tiny arms around my neck, with him sobbing on my shoulders.

"I thought I lost you" I whispered forgetting the footsteps slowly walking behind me.

" it seems. Theodore, is your so called uncle?" Matteo asked surprised causing my son to lightly sniff his snot.

So he continued to play the game despite being here.

Great job son.

"Y-yeah..Uncle Theo, is like my second dad" he said causing Matteo to crouch down wrapping his arms around my waist with Keith holding on to my arms.

And for some reason, I didn't mind.

"Well then I guess that makes me your third dad" Matteo concluded.

"What?" Keith asked only now realizing that I was wearing a collar.

"You..WHAT IS THIS?" Keith's voice boomed the entire throne room in rage.

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