Chapter 1

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( Theo's POV)

" And he was like, that's fucking crazy why would you drain a sunny side up egg? And I was like well, sorry I aint no chef I thought the holes were designs!" Sheila ranted on the phone as I prepared breakfast.

I don't know why, but humans... specifically woman tend to have very strange mood swings.

"Well...I would've had the exact same reaction, like..who on earth doesn't know what a drain looks like" I deadpanded causing her to groan on the other side of the phone.

This freaking idiot

"See?? This is why I hate men, they're so inconsiderate" She huffed on the other line making me roll my eyes.

She drained a fried egg...and now it's our fault?

"Whatever floats your boat" I said as I placed the bacons and rice on the table.

My pup has apparently grew fond of rice, I don't know why neither but he just did. His taste in food is exactly like Damon's.

"Uhm dad.." A familiar tiny voice said causing me to smile warmly as I turned around only to be greeted by a..guilty looking Keith.

Jamie: What on earth did this kid do this time? My wolf said all too knowingly causing me to roll my eyes.

Oh hush, it's probably not even that bad- I replied.

"Uhm..I-I did something bad today" He said causing me to smile as I gestured for him to come near me.

Jamie: See? What did I tell ya?

Oh shut up let him speak first- I defended causing Jamie to roll his eyes.

"Uhm otay but promise don't be mad" He said seriously causing me to start panicking.

What if he burned something again?

Or accidentally burried someone alive?

Or worse

"I uhm..accidentally killed a cat" He whispered causing me to breath in relief.

Told ya it wasn't that bad- I said causing Jamie to choke down on his own saliva.

Jamie: Not bad? NOT BAD?! You're child 'accidentally' killed a cat, a creature that's most treasured by humans!!

Fuck what if it's Mrs. Susan's cat?

"'s fine okay? Stop crying honey, where's the cat?" I asked causing him to sniffle.

"I burried it in the backyard" he said causing me to smile as I kissed his forehead.

My poor child has been robbed off his childhood, hunting, is suppose to be something that pups do at his age, but..he can't do that here and has to constantly repress his animal urges.

"Good, always remember that if you accidentally killed something again, bury it okay?" I can't look after him 24/7 seeing as I also need to go to my job to provide for him.

Life is quite hard here in the human realm.

He can't repress his animal instincs for too long, so all I can do is teach him how to clean up after his mess.

"So Keith did a good job?" He asked hopefully causing me to laugh as I patted his head gently.

"Yes, Keith did a very good job" I replied causing him to grin as he ran towards the kitchen.

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