Chapter 3

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( Damon's POV)

Sir, we scented out the heir, he's in a small cabin like house far from human civilization, and he's not alone, we also smelled another wolf with him, but we cannot identify how many, it's like one of the wolve's scent just vanished- Francisco said through the link causing me to hum in suspicion.

Tristan had always been great at making problems when he wants one, but this one has gone too far.

Timothy- You think Tristan is capable of involving a wizard over some petty misunderstanding like this? My wolf said.

If a certain wolf's scent just vanished, the only possible reason would be that he's involved with a  wizard or a witch.

But wizards and wolves aren't exactly on good terms, they never had, so the possibility of them helping out a wolf's pup is likely impossible.

Or maybe I'm just overthinking this and Francisco just mistook it as a wolf's scent?

Whatever it is, I'll be finding out the answer one way or the other.

"Did they find him? Where is he? Where's my Tristan?" Ethan said in worriedly as he held my hands.

Those pure delicate hands.

Reminds me so much of Theo's rough ones.

They weren't soft, they were rough after wielding a sword everyday in the field because he thought he wasn't good enough as my beta.

I wish..I was able to tell him that he was more than what I deserved.

Timothy: what fucking deserved are you talking about? We never deserved him at all after what we did. My wolf said to which I silently agreed.

"They found him, Francisco and the other bathallion leaders are already on their way"I said as I tried to calm him down.

Ethan had always been the one who likes to worry over everything.

"Thank the goddess" He whispered in relief as he held my hands.

For a split second, I felt my blood boil when he touched my hands, but decided to shrug it off.

He's my mate, shouldn't I feel blissful?

"Let's go?" He said to which made me smile with a nod.

I'm probably just tired.

* * * *

"Sir, we found the location" Francisco reported as we arrived at a small hill, quite far from the busy city.

"The other bathallion leaders are already circling the small house, they didn't attack yet but are merely observing from a far" He reported causing me to nod while I felt Ethan itching in worry beside me.

"What is the head count?"

"Cadet Rachel has confirmed that there are 3 heads inside, one from a grown wolf, the other from a human child and lastly Tristan" He confirmed causing me to sigh in frustration.

Good thing we only have that grown were wolf to burden.

"That settles it-"


"TRISTAN" Ethan yelled when Tristan's scream echoed causing my wolf to stand alert.

Damn it, hold on Tristan

_______CHANGE POVS_______

( Theo's POV)

"AHHHH" Tristan yelled when he saw Keith causing me to jolt up and quickly covered his mouth in panic.

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