Chapter 8

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( Damon's POV)

"I'm here for the daily report sir" Francisco said entering my office causing me to nod in acknowledgement as I continued on my paper work.

"Speak" I replied.

" The trade for the new armours as well as the bows that we had exchanged for crops with the Shang pack had successfully departed this morning." He stated as he took out his own paper reading today's state.

"That bastard Beak didn't block the tunnel this time did he?" I asked with a raised brow



"As for our spy in the Deijang pack..he had arrived" He said causing me to smirk successfully.

"So our spy was successful-"

"Negative sir" He said causing me to stop at the paper work as I stared at him in confusion.

"Gabriel came back..but only his head. Alpha Matteo's messenger sent him yesterday with a note saying 'try harder' " Francisco said lightly wavering seeing as..

I'm beyond pissed.

That bastard.

"Fuck you De Vara" I growled lightly as I clenched the paper work in anger.

"What about the other special report" I stated trying to calm my nerves as I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Commander Theodore is..still as excellent as ever. One wolf challenged him this morning after he had degraded his skills because of-"

"Degraded his skills? Who's the wolf?" I asked while Francisco clutched his chest in pain.

"A-Alpha..please calm down, your pheromones are too strong" He pleaded causing me to glare at him.

"Yeah? Why should I?"

"B-because he..taught him a lesson..! Theodore accepted the duel with confidence and had won over the entire force's admiration!" Francisco said while clutching on his chest with his knees bent on the floor.

Theodore is still amazing as ever.

"A-Alpha where are you going?!" Francisco asked as I neared the door.

"To the training grounds. I wanna see him" I stated as he followed behind me.

"Y-yes alpha"

* * * *

It had been over four weeks since Theodore started as the new commander of our pack's military force, but even with that small amount of time..

Timothy- This kind of result is much too fast don't you think?

I silently agreed as I stared at our military force's ongoing training with their commander supervising them from the front.

The results had surpassed my expectations.

Unlike before, they all seemed to be more bulky not to mention, they seem to be more determined.

"After that wolf's provocation this morning, everyone in the force wants to exceed Beta Theodore's expectations" Francisco informed behind me as we observed them from the hilltop.

"So they want to get his attention" I summarized, my once light hearted grin now gone as I scowled at everyone from above.

Attention seeking fucks.

"I'll be joining the training today" I declared as I walked down the hill.

This is gonna be fun.

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