33- love?

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I somehow fell asleep later that day sitting down and my head laying on the hospital bed holding on to Y/n's hand 

I woke up by the sound of the door opening and heard Y/n's shush the people coming in 

"Shush, Neji is asleep" I heard her say and dozed off again


"Shush, Neji's asleep" I told Naruto and Lee that was walking in with Ten-ten behind them holding a bouquet of flowers 

"You guys do know Y/n doesn't like flowe-" I cut off Naruto my hand on his mouth "shut up" I told him and he nodded, I let go and felt Neji wake up

"Who's there" Neji said sitting up and rubbing both his eyes with his hands letting go of mine 

he put his hands down taking a good look of the people in the room

"Are you two dating?" Lee asked confused "N-no" I stuttered, my face turning a shade of light pink and Neji looked flustered

I didn't think so... I thought to myself, I was never a big fan of dating or the word love in general 

I never had anyone at all growing up, only Gaara and his siblings but they were busy most of the time, so most of the time I was all alone by myself 

I wasn't used to all this attention, affection, and care the people here in the leaf is giving me

It felt weird but also felt nice

"How are you feeling Y/n?" Neji asked me with a concerned look on his face "I'm fine.." I answered looking away from him 

"Are you hungry I can-" Neji got cut off by Naruto "Geez she's fine Neji, and if she needed something she can ask me. Because like she said you're not dating" Naruto said sternly

I understand why Naruto can be overprotective, I suppose he didn't want his only family getting hurt and I completely understand that

Neji somehow looked mad and hurt at Naruto's words "Naruto, it's okay calm down" I chuckled and he rolled his eyes and crossed his hands on his chest

Neji went silent 

Neji's POV


I was mad but mostly hurt because of Naruto's words because he was right Me and Y/n aren't dating, we aren't anything at all.. Just team mates

I didn't even for surely know if she liked me as much as I like her, and I don't know if I can call this feeling like anymore, it's Love


A week has passed and Y/n got released from the hospital 3 days ago, i heard she's coming over for dinner tonight because Hinata invited her

an hour later someone knocked on the door, I saw hinata open it and it was Y/n, and with the sweetest smile on her gorgeous face

"Good evening, Y/n" I greeted her from behind hinata, "Good evening to you too, Neji" Her calm voice said 

We proceeded in the dining area where Hanabi and Hiashi was   

Hinata and Y/n sat in front of me and Hanabi "I've heard so much about you Y/n Uzumaki" Hiashi started and Y/n smiled in response 

"Tell me, how do you like the leaf so far?" Hiashi asked "I like it fine, I miss the sand from time to time, I mean it was my first home and all" Y/n responded

Y/n was pretty well known in the sand, that's probably why Hiashi heard so much about her I suppose

"Would you rather be there than here?" Hanabi asked "I guess so... I would be delighted to go back, but I can't leave Naruto anymore"

She let out a soft giggle, it seems she's uncomfortable with the questions about the Sand

"Oh uhm, How are you feeling Y/n?, I haven't got to ask you that since you left the hospital" I tried to change the subject

"I'm doing well, just get headaches sometimes but Sakura said it's nothing serious.. " She smiled again


A few hours have passed and Y/n was about to leave and it was getting pretty late

"Would you like me to walk you home?" I asked her "you remember the last time you walked me home?" She chuckled and I froze remembering the last time I walked her

"Alright then" I sighed and took her hand kissing it softly "Goodnight, my lady" I smiled at her softly

"G'night Neji" she said and gave me the sweetest and softest smile I have ever seen

I admire her as she walk away with hearts for eyes, she truly was and is the most beautiful creature that ever step foot on this planet.

I sat on my bed with only her in my mind, she was my everything. And forever will stay like that

I pledge to protect and keep her safe, from all the bad things in this despicable world

But before that, I have to convince her imbecile for a brother that I am good enough for her sister

But how?

Y/n's POV

I walk home, my face heating up my face was the darkest shade of red as it could possibly be

I was falling hard for this hyuga boy, I could feel is stare as I walk further from his home.

How do I stop this feeling? I don't want this, but I also crave his love and affection

But do I really need it? All I need is to become stronger and powerful.. But can I also love at the same time?

I couldn't think straight of what I wanted and what I needed

I went straight to my room to think.. I needed some time for myself

Everything is happening too fast, I was never a big fan of change itself. It always seems to have terrified me a bit

Not even a bit, a lot actually

Everything that's been happening is too overwhelming

First thing that happened was I get into a coma for who knows how long and when I woke up I get kidnapped by the akutsuki

I craved for being strong and being the best so I had to train hard, but can I love Neji at the same time?

I was basically questioning everything. I've never truly experienced this type of love from anyone

Except Temari I suppose, Temari was my number one bestest friend no one could ever compare to her

Kankuro was always my partner in crime, whenever something goes wrong it was always me and kankuro to blame

Gaara, gaara was a when different story. I guess you could say Gaara was the first person I even admired

What I mean about admire is, I admired his power, his intellect, and his intelligence, and how he has full control over sand

But Neji was, Admiring, my competitor, and the person I love?


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Words- 1169
Date- 05 / 11 / 2023
Date released- 06 / 09 / 2023

The missing girl  (Neji x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora