31- Gone

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I woke up with the most beautiful girl laying her head on my chest

I slowly moved away to get up, careful not to wake her again

I showered and heard noises from outside the bathroom, I just brushed it off thinking it was Y/n

I went out the shower fully dressed to see the she wasn't in the room anymore, and there was a letter on night stand beside her bed

Come and get her, hyuga

I felt my heart drop, I crumbled the piece of paper and fixed our stuff

After that I ran as fast as I could to the village, leaving all our stuff outside my house and ran to the Hokage

I bardged open the door and gave her the crumbled note and panting heavily

"Someone took her, I don't know who but and we need to find her" I said glaring determined that I would find her

Before lady tsunade could talk Naruto came running in as well "Neji! Your back, where's Y/n-chan? " he asked and I knew he had to know

I gave him the messed up piece of paper and told him someone took her

I could see that he was enraged

"Neji, I want you to get hinata for this mission, we need her byakugan as much as we need yours, Naruto get kiba so akamaru can try and track down Y/n's scent, and bring in Shikamaru and Lee as well, meet me here again with everyone tomorrow at 3 pm" Tsunade said in a serious tone

"We can't afford losing her" She said added after and walked out

When she was gone Naruto looked at me "How could you lose her like that" he said looking down and clenched his teeth and hands

Before I knew it his hands were on the collar of my shirt pinning me against the wall, I can't blame him for being mad, I blame myself too

How could I have lost her, again

I let go of his grip and walked out as I felt my eyes water

I ran back home and saw hinata "I need you Lee and Shikamaru in the Hokage's office tomorrow at 3 pm, don't be late. " I told her and stormed off to my room

I wanted to punch myself for being so careless with her

I layed on my bed and put a pillow on my face, I started feeling tears roll down and I knew I couldn't stop them from falling

Y/n I'm coming for you, I already lost you once, I'm not doing the same mistake again

I thought and in between those tears I fell in a deep slumber


I woke up to see it was 1 pm shit I have to be at the hokage's office by 3

I thought jumping off of my bed and into the shower to clean myself


It's 3 pm and I went to the Hokage's office

I opened the door to see Gaara temari and kankuro as well, I frowned when I saw Gaara, I still can't forget when I saw Y/n's arms around him

I stood beside Naruto and Lady tsunade spoke

"Y/n's been kidnapped but we don't know who took her, but I have a strong feeling it's one of the Uchiha brother's" she said

"Ok but, which one?" Shikamaru asked "It could be Itachi, Y/n has a very strong jinchuriki" Gaara spoke up

I completely forgot about that, what if the akatsuki took her

"Most likely, but what does Itachi know about Y/n? Her information has been hidden for years" Shikamaru said

We were all scrambled up, I felt scared, I haven't felt this scared in years. I felt scared because, what if we never get her back? What if she was really Gone?

Before I knew it, I passed out by all the overwhelming feelings


Moments later I feel myself regain consciousness, I sat up and rubbed my temple and groaned

Sakura came in and I asked her "Where are the others?" She went silent and looked down

"Sorry Neji but, they couldn't wait any longer so they went on the mission without you.. "

I suddenly got up and left leaving Sakura in the room

I went home and was off to find where the others were


In matter of only a few hours I found them

We started walking and after what seemed like years we came a across a abandoned mansion

And then heard footsteps coming closer, we hid on the trees and saw people with hoods over their head, and a large box with them.. So big it could fit a... Human

I signaled the others to leave the spot and go to a near by hill where no one could see them

"Aren't those the Akatsuki uniform?" Naruto asked and I nodded "You guys saw that large box as well right? " and they all nodded in response

"I have a strong feeling Y/n is in there" I told them

Later that night we set up camp and for some reason I had the urge to go to that mansion

I couldn't control myself any longer, I needed to find her

I went to one of the mansions windows and saw people walk in the room "right.. Tie her down to that chair" that voice.. It sounds familiar

"Alright all done, you guys can go and keep watch" I peeked through the wall with my byakugan to see it was itachi
and Y/n unconscious tied up onto the chair

I felt my heart sink seeing her covered in bruises and blood

I went back to the others and forced myself to sleep, but I just couldn't, the image of her so hurt because of me. Because I didn't watch out for her

*Late publish 😭*
988 words
03 / 26 / 2023
Date published-
03 / 27 / 2023

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