23- regain

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Neji's POV


I walked up to tsunadae's office I knocked at the door

"come in" tsunadae said as I walk in she said "if your gonna ask where Y/n is she's fine I just moved her to a different room you can't see her for now but you will in a few days" she said I sighed as I walked out the door

Later that night I was basically questioning everything Why did she need to rest? haven't she rested enough? or...did she wake up? while thinking I dozed off

The next day
Y/n's POV
I felt my eyes slowly open but I could only see light I'm not strong enough yet to open my eyes properly

"Don't try and open your eyes your not strong enough and you need to rest... Neji's getting impatient" Tsunade said 

3 Days later

its been 3 days and I've been feeling a little better I can't walk and stand up I can only sit up a little but still need someone to help me sit I can't believe its been over a month seen I woke up feels good to be back I can't wait to see Naruto and especially Neji

"good job Y/n your doing very well for someone who's been in a coma for over a month" Tsunade said as she went into the room "would you like me to announce that your awake?" she said and I sighed "hmm... maybe I don't know maybe just let Naruto Gaara Temari and kankuro just them for now" I said Tsunade then sat on the bed and said "how about Neji? wont you like to let him now? he's been visiting you almost everyday just to see if you were doing better he even brings his lunch and dinner here so he could eat beside you he sometimes forget to goes home and sleeps on a chair beside you" she said I smiled because of what she said "yeah... it would be nice to see him again"

I fell asleep a little later after I ate when I was about to open my eyes but I heard the door open and it felt like a somewhat similar presence but at the same time I can't figure out who it was 

Neji's POV

earlier this morning I got a message from lady tsunade it said to come to the hospital in a hour now I'm at the hospital entrance as I walked in I saw lady tsunade 

"Oh Neji I see your here.. c'mon follow me" She said and I followed we stopped at a hospital door "be quiet she may be asleep" She said when I walked in I saw her.. her beautiful face lying on the bed I sat next to her

Y/n's POV


I felt someone sit right next to me I felt someone's hand hold on to mine "Y/n.. can you hear me?" that voice its.. Neji my hand twitched when I heard his voice "she- she moved her hand- i-it twitched" he said in shock 

I slowly opened my eyes then I locked eye contact with him I saw his beautiful lavender eyes once again then suddenly a tear drop appeared on my face "Neji.." I said I tried to sit up but struggled Neji helped me sit right up I hugged him "I've missed you so much" I whispered try

ing to prevent myself from crying but failed "I missed you too Y/n you can't just leave me like that" he said and I laughed "I know and I'm sorry for leaving you for to long" I said pulling away from the hug but then.. I suddenly felt him pull me in and our lips....... touched 



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