chapter 1 [prologue]

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pov: Gideon

It's been a long time since I last came here but I couldn't not after all that's happened in the past month. I have three fresh wounds and many more that have yet to heal, courtesy of the orphanage's head. It's not my fault that no one wants to adopt me, though I doubt her damaging the 'merchandise' is going to be good for 'business'. She uses the state funding for the kids who have the potential to get adopted and for herself. Those of us who were now considered as old stock are neglected and forced to fend for ourselves. 

I go to this place deep in the woods when I need to get away from it all. It's a quiet almost magical place with a waterfall in the center back of the clearing. I eventually even made myself a small shelter out here that I could stay in overnight and there are medical and art supplies too. I love to draw; it is my only outlet and to be able to express nature and its beauty through my art seems like nothing short of a blessing in this life I live.

Once I retrieve my bag of art supplies, I go and take a seat on some rocks by the waterfall and begin to draw the oblivious dear that had thoughtlessly wandered into the clearing beyond the tree line and shrubbery. I sit there for what seems like hours just drawing the things I see. 

My favorite thing that I've drawn is the beautiful red fox. The fox was a regular to this clearing and it didn't seem to fear me so when it went to sleep on the rocks by the waterfall, I took that as an opportunity to draw him.

It starts to get dark as the sun sets just beyond the cliff. The fairy lights I had strewn around the place were starting to light up to make the area even more magical. I went to my shelter and started preparing to settle down for the night as there was no way in hell, I was going back to the orphanage tonight. I bathe in the shallow part of the plunge pool and dress in my outdoor sleepwear. I go to my hut and slowly drift off to sleep dreading the morning that was to come.

I awoke to a yipping sound and clambered to get out of my hut to find out the cause. It was the fox it was caught in a net not too far from the waterfall. This is a no hunting zone and it's so far into the woods that hardly anyone bothers to come here, so where did it come from? 

This net that had caught the only friend I'd made. I try to go and grab something to let the fox free but as I turn away and take a few steps I am caught by the same kind of trap. I don't know why I decided that there was only one trap and forgot to check the floor for any more traps, but I didn't check, and I got caught.

Both me and the fox sat hanging in nets, a slight distance from each other, it was nearly morning and the fox had given up yipping hours ago. Just as I was about to pass out from exhaustion, I heard rustling. I attempted to turn to face the noise but to no avail I was being too heavily restrained to succeed in such a motion. 

The fox who was already facing behind me starts to yip and struggle in fear of whatever is behind me. The fox's struggle spurred up my own fighting spirit and I once again tried to look at what was behind me. I managed to rotate my body enough to see just before I felt a prick in my side. 

I saw the outline of an elongated tube with six limbs. I blacked out assuming my captor injected me with a tranquilizer to knock me out. 


So that was chapter 1 let me know what you think in the comments and maybe vote too.

Chapter 2 up now....

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