Airships and making out(timeskip Amity x timeskip reader)

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I never kissed and i dont know why i wrote this ;-;
Anyway..this is not smut or lemon....and it is very unrealistic xD
___________________________________________The wind plays around your (h/c) hair while you lean against the rehling of the ship. You twitch and blush easily when you feel your girlfriend's hands driving down your hip from your back.

"Don't scare me like that, in the end I fall off the airship!"

Your cheeks turn slightly red and you turn around just to be caught in a kiss from Amity

You feel her tongue on your lips asking for entry...which you give her even without repeating....your tongue slowly touches with her... It was maybe the second time you did something like that.

Slowly your hands glide over her body her back up to her neck...your tongue makes her movements almost automatically, the tingling in your stomach gets bigger and you push Amity's lips closer to your... while her hands glide over your hips

Very slowly Amity leads you to the mast (the ship has no mast in the original but...shhh we don't say that to anyone :3) while your kiss becomes more and more intense... you notice how she and you become more and more demanding as your lips and tongues rise against each other. You feel how you are pressed against the mast by Amity'

You feel Amity's hand sliding over your body and you focus more on your tongue movements...after a while you start to feel like you need air,but you don't want to break that kiss...Amity, however, is beginning to realize that Air runs out so gently releases her lips from yours and looks deep into your soul with her golden yellow eyes before she kisses you again and repeats the whole thing and her kisses become even more intense

You gasp softly as you feel her slowly push you up the mast so your feet are off the ground and her lips are pressed against yours again. Slowly you wrap your legs around her lower body and your hands grip smiled when you feel Amity's hands on your ass...(like i said...this is slightly NSFW)...You felt how Amity carries you to the dorm(idk if this the right wurde for that) and you knowed that this will be a long night....

...... are still here?..well...thanks for reading my horrible kiss scene :3

Have a good day <3

Amity x Reader Oneshots(finished)Where stories live. Discover now