The Yakuza's Guide To Babysitting feat. Goro Majima (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"She's with the Raiden Shogun, you buffoon... Youngsters these days..."Faruzan muttered about how the younger people really can be stupid nowadays.

Well... The Majima Family has no jurisdiction to enter Tenshukkaku grounds, now, do they?

Definitely not.

[The Majima Family Member runs off as Majima then looks at the building of Tenshukkaku overhead...]

Majima:Kid... You better not be where I think you are...

[Majima then made his way towards Tenshukkaku with his bat over his shoulder...]

Everyone watched intensely as to what Majima will do next...

[The next scene then shows Ei trying to feed Ayumi some tri-color dango, only for the baby to turn her head away everytime Ei brings the desert close to her]

Everyone facepalmed as to what they were seeing. Was the Raiden Shogun of Inazuma.... Literally trying to feed a 9 month old baby some dango...?

"At least I'm trying something..."Ei pouted in response, at least SHE is trying something to feed the baby.

Sara respected the Shogun... But seeing this scene alone, made her want to slap her forehead...

Miko just laughs," Ei..."

"Quiet, Miko..."Ei said in embarrassment.

Ei:Why won't you eat...?

[Before anything can be done, shouting and crashing can be heard outside. Ei looks outside and sees some Shogunate Soldiers trying to fight back someone...]

Shogunate Soldier:This guy's crazy!

Shogunate Soldier #2:Just keep on bringing it!

Majima:Let me in! LET ME IN!!!

[Majima swings his bat like crazy around the incoming Shogunate Soldiers before switching to his dagger and running around them like a dobberman on crack and stabbing the Shogunate Soldiers]

"What the hell's with his speed...?"Gorou asked, eyeing the Mad Dog's speed as he managed to dispatch half of the Shogun's soldiers all by himself.

"I don't understand it either... But there's no way a normal being can do something like that."Alhaitham said, carefully observing Majima's movements but can't seem to get a read out of them.


[Ei then appeared before Majima with Ayumi in hand as everyone stopped fighting]

Ei:What is going on here? Explain yourselves!

Shogunate Soldier:Almighty Shogun! This man here was trying to enter Tenshukkaku without a permit!

Majima:I have a permit: My knife! And my bat!

Ei:Enough. What is it do you want, citizen?

[Majima was about to speak but then eyes Ayumi, who was on the Shogun's arms]


[Ei then looks down at the baby before looking back at Majima]

Ei:Oh? Is she your's?

"No, she's my niece."Ayato bluntly said with a proud smile - yet secretly, he wished that Aether allowed him to babysit his baby niece instead of the Mad Dog," I'm a proud uncle..."

Thoma only sighed with a smile.

"Only you, my liege..."

Majima:Yeah! I've been looking everywhere for her!

Ei:Oh, well then...

[Ei hands Ayumi back to Majima as the baby Kamisato laughs upon seeing her uncle]

Majima:Now what was that back there, young lady?! How did you just disappear out of thin air?!

[Ayumi only babbled]

"Babies don't talk until they're of 12 months old,"Nahida helpfully reminded but it went down the waste as Majima could not hear her...

Ayaka was also in deep thought. How DID Ayumi teleport out of thin air...?

"I think she might have inherited some of my powers..."Aether muttered quietly, no one hearing what he said...

Ei:Soldiers - let this man be.

[The Shogunate Soldiers begrudgingly stood aside and let Majima pass by]

Majima:Now we'll head back to HQ, where we will have a long talk, missus!

[As Majima was about to step out, Ei then called for him]

Ei:Did you say disappear out of thin air...?

Majima:Huh? Oh yeah... She kinda disappeared while we were playing together... Seems like she teleported or something...

Ei:Hmm... Perhaps I might be of help. Would you please hand her to me?

[Majima suspiciously looked at Ei and handed Ayumi to her. Ei's hand glowed and gently placed her hand on the Kamisato baby's head...]

Ei:It is done.

Majima:Whaddya do?

Ei:I suppressed her teleportation powers for now.

Majima:Oh thank ya! If that happened again, she'd probably end up in a camp full of Hilichurls!

Ayaka stared at the Shogun with a grateful look on her face before nodding at her Archon.

"Thank you, Almighty Shogun..."She said as Ei merely waved to her.

"Pay no mind to it, Kamisato Ayaka."Ei said with a small smile, to which Ayaka nervously returned.

Majima:Well, that's the end of that! Now... Let's go back, young lady!

[Majima then left Tenshukkaku with Ayumi in tow]

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