Chapter Six

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I take a deep breath as Harper comes back and looks at me "What just happened out there??" she asks genuinely concerned. I look at her "What happened was I considered giving him a chance and then he AGAIN proved that he can't be trusted" I say crossing my arms.

She looks at me "Well I am proud of you for even trying Katie, that's a huge step! even if Joe isn't the one" she says hugging me.

I hug back and sigh "Why did he have to ruin every potential relationship?" I ask and she pulls away "Because he was a dick Katie" she says and I chuckle "You ok?" she asks and I nod "I will be right out" I say and she nods walking back out.

I stand there thinking of him. You might be asking who him is, my ex boyfriend Zachary. He used to be a regular here who couldn't stop trying to get me like Joe.


I was cleaning off the bar when I hear the door open revealing an extremely attractive man. My breath is caught in my throat as he sat in front of me. I clear my throat "Hi what can I get for you today?" I ask as he looks at me "I'll take a bud light and your number" he says making me blush.

I get him the beer "How about instead you just take my on a date after my shift?" I ask and he smirks "Alright I will, but I am going to need your name first so I can know who I am taking on a date" he says "My names Kaitlynn, but I go by Katie" I say and he nods smiling "Beautiful name for a gorgeous girl" he says making me blush.

He smiles noticing my face get flustered "I'm Zachary but you can call me Zach" he says and I nod "Nice to meet you Zach" I say.

The rest of the shift I spent talking mostly to Zach and then it was time to go on the date.

-end of flashback-

I shake my head and wipe my tears and soon go back out. I start to wait on customers when Joe's friend, who I thought left comes up "Um hi Katie right?" he asks and I look at him and nod "I'm sorry I am so bad with names" I say.

He nods "I'm Ja'Marr, um listen I don't want to come off as weird for trying to help my friend but Joe really is a great guy who is constantly talking about you" he says.

I just look at him and sigh "I bet he is an amazing guy but even when I think to give him a chance he says something that makes me not want to do until he can truly prove to me that he is worth it I am going to say no" I say.

I walk away and decide that I am done for the day. So I clock out and leave getting in my car. I sit there and another flashback of Zachary comes through.


Me and Zach were sitting in his car, we have been dating for over six months now, however we were having an argument because he didn't like that I was working at the bar.

Which I thought was crazy so I kept insisting I was going to continue working. He got angry and slammed his hand on the steering wheel making me jump and look at him "You are going to fucking quit ok!?" he yells.

Normally people would stop after that but I was not raised that way "No I won't Zach, I am going to continue to work there! This is my DAD'S business we are..." I was saying until I felt a sting on my cheek.

My jaw dropped and hand went to my cheek. His eyes widened "I am so sorry babe, I didn't mean it you know that right?" he says apologizing over and over until I just nodded "It's ok, I know you didn't mean it" I say.

-end of flashback-

I shake my head wiping my tears when I see my dad at my car. I unlock the door and he gets in "You ok honey?" he asks and I just look ahead "Honestly I don't know dad" I say sniffling. He looks at me and pulls me into a hug and I just lose it.

I cling onto him just letting it all out "Ya know what why don't you and I have a day together? We used to do that all the time when you were little" he says making me look at him "What about the bar?" I ask and he shakes his head "I've already got Harper taking care of it" he says and I just nod.

-After their day together-

I was just in bed thinking about everything that's happened. If Joe isn't as bad as his friend says then why has he constantly proved me again and again that he is not the right type. I mean in a way it's not entirely Joe's fault. He doesn't know about my past.

Maybe if I told him things could change? I think and then grab my phone calling him. I realize this is crazy however it's too late because he answers "Hello?" he says taking me off guard "Um hi Joe, it's Katie I was wondering if you and me could talk?" I ask getting nervous.

He waits a bit then says "Yeah text me your address I will come get you" making me smile slightly "Ok I will do that now" I say then we hang up and I send him my address. I decide I should look somewhat presentable instead of in my dads old nascar shirt and pajama pants.

Once I am in more appropriate clothing I hear a honk outside so I run out and then get into his car "Hi" I say and he nods "Hi" then starts to drive.

-At the spot where they're talking-

Me and Joe were in a park just walking "So you wanted to talk?" he asks and I nod taking a deep breath "I figured I should explain to you why I am the way I am" I say as we sit on a bench together.

He looks at me and nods ok then tell me. I look at him before saying "For about five years I was in a abusive relationship with my ex" I start to say and instantly Joe's face changes "Um he had come into the bar the first time we met and I honestly fell in love right then and there I thought he was perfect and that night we went on a date it wasn't until we had been together for six months that he started to show his true colors we had gotten into an argument because he didn't want me working at the bar because "it made me a slut waiting on other guys" and when I started to talk back he hit me" I say sniffling trying not to cry.

Joe puts his hand on my back lightly rubbing it "It's ok if you cry" he says and I nod "After that it got worse he would hit me for the smallest things and every time he would apologize and I would just tell him that it's ok, it wasn't until my dad came to his house and found me practically dead because he beat me so hard that I finally left and my dad made sure he got arrested for what he did to me" I cry and Joe just pulls me into his arms.

I start to cry more clinging to him. He sighs "Katie I am so sorry you went through that, and even more I am sorry that I have been such a jerk when you kept saying no" he says and I pull away "It's not entirely your fault though, you didn't know" I say and he shakes his head.

I wipe my tears and he watches "I get it if you want to not go out with me right away, maybe for now we can stick to being friends until you feel comfortable enough to be in a relationship" he suggest and I nod "I would love that" I say.

However a part of me slightly breaks when he says that. Why? I don't know.

A/N: Ok this one is a bit of a doozy! We finally got to learn about Katie's past! I am sorry it's a bit of a tough subject!

I wanted to also say if you have gone through this situation that I am so sorry! No one should ever experience this! I am always one message away if anyone ever needs to talk about this!

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