Chapter Four

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I was closing the bar late at night and oddly there was a vibe in the air that I couldn't exactly explain but it felt off. I just shrugged it off thinking nothing of it.

That was until right before I unlocked my car a man came up holding a gun to me. I stand there frozen not knowing what to do.

He has a mask on so I can't get his face but he screams "Give me the bag!" and I shake my head no but he puts the gun closer to me "Give me the bag now!" he yells.

I almost give him the gun until someone comes up and tackles him. I am frozen for a bit till I grab my phone calling 911.

I try and get a look at who tackled the guy when I see the black eye. Joe. I start to freak out and tell the cops where to come to. Unfortunately the guy gets away making me nervous and shake uncontrollably.

Joe stands up and looks at me "Are you ok?" he asks and I just nod and then start to cry "Come on" he says taking me back into the bar.

He takes the keys and unlocks it setting me at a chair. He soon hears the sirens and looks at me "I'll be right back ok?" he asks and I nod. He walks out to talk to the cops.

I sigh and get my phone out to tell my dad what happened when Joe comes in with a cop making me look up "Katie, tell this officer everything that happened ok?" Joe says and I nod doing so.

-After reporting to the police-

I start to walk to my car then turn to Joe who's almost at his car "Hey Joe?" I call out making him look back at me "Um thanks for helping me I really appreciate it" I say. He smiles and nods "Of course, good night Katie" he says getting in his car.

I smile getting into mine and drive home. Once I am home I walk in and my dad comes rushing up to me "Are you ok honey? I shouldn't have left you at the bar that late by yourself" he says hugging me.

I sigh and hug him back "I'm ok dad I promise, Joe was there to help me actually" I say pulling away walking to the stairs "Joe? As in Joe Burrow?" he asks and I nod "Yeah he happened to be there and helped me honestly if it weren't for him things probably would have gotten worse" I say walking up the stairs.

He nods "Well as long as you're ok honey" he says making me smile "Goodnight dad" I say going to get ready for bed.

-Next day-

I was opening with Harper and I was telling her what happened "So you don't think it's odd that Joe happened to be there that late at night and came to your rescue?" she asks as we get menus ready.

I shrug "I don't know but all I have to say is he was literally a life saver last night" I say going to turn on the open sign and unlock the door. I was organizing the bar when the first customers come in.

I look up and what do you know it's Joe and his three friends from the other night. I give Harper a look who's already eyeing me up and then says "Oh is that Jack calling me? I need to go see what he wants" she says walking to the kitchen.

I sigh and walk over as they sit down "Long time no see guys" I say and they all laugh. The one who I thinks name is Evan, at least that's what Harper told me "I just come to see Joe be rejected" he says making us all laugh.

I look at Joe "Well I gotta say, I owe Joe a big one after last night so breakfast and drinks are on the house today" I say and their eyes widen. Joe shakes his head "No no we will pay" he says and I just walk away "Already walking away" I say going into the kitchen.


Believe it or not I wasn't the one who wanted to come to the bar, Evan asked us and we all said yes. What I didn't expect was for her to give us free food and drinks.

I smile slightly and both Ja'Marr and Evan look at me "What did you do that's getting us free food?" Evan asks shocked.

I look at them "Um she was robbed at gun point and I helped her" I say and their jaws drop "Is she ok!?" Ja'Marr asks and Sam nods "I mean that's super traumatizing" he says and I shrug "She seems ok I guess" I say.

Evan goes to say something as she comes out with our food. She places it in front of us "And drinks? Usual or?" she asks and we all just say a water. She gives it to us and I look at her "Um how are you after last night?" I ask.

She looks at me "I'm a lot better, still a bit shook up but I'm good thank you again" she says truthfully and I nod "Glad I can help" I say as she walks off.


I go to help a customer however I can't help but think about what Harper said. Why was he there that late at night? It's not like he can just appear out of thin air. I look over at him and his friends.

They're all talking and laugh which makes me smile slightly. No No I can't be smiling over a guy. I begin to feel like a pressure is building up in my chest and my breath starts to quicken.

My dad walks into the shop and looks at me noticing "Katie?" he says walking up. I look at him with wide eyes "Come on" he says walking me to the kitchen telling Harper to take over.

A/N: Here's a little late night update for you guys! I wanted to make a somewhat dramatic update! So I hope you all love it!

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