29 - The Morning After

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Wow, this just got so awkward.

Sirius strides across to Fred and pats him on the shoulder. "Good man, you've got my full approval to date my goddaughter."

Well, it's been going on six months already but sure, thanks.

The room falls into yet another deathly silence with Molly and Sirius having a glare off.

"So," Hermione says in a forced lightness as she pours herself a pumpkin juice. "Prefect duties - it's all so terribly exciting don't you think, Ron?"


Molly sets Fred and I at opposite ends of the house for cleaning duties. It's like she's frightened we'll end up making babies on the display cabinets if we are in too close proximity to one another.

"I don't even understand why we have to do this," I say grumpily to Ron as we set about polishing a cabinet full of goblets. "It's not even her house."

"She likes controlling people," Ron shrugs, "it's what makes her happy."

Seems like Molly is only happy if everyone around her is as miserable as sin.

One thing I know for certain, I'm not going to dare sleep with Fred again whilst we're under the same roof as her. I shudder as I recall her staring unflinchingly at my tits.

At least it's only two more nights until we go back to Hogwarts. Although it's still two days too long.

"I think you and Fred make a lovely couple!" Hermione beams. "I guess it's just a little difficult for Molly to accept that one of her sons is dating a Slytherin. She does like her Gryffindors."

"If it doesn't bother Fred, then it shouldn't bother her." I mutter. "In the meantime, she can try and keep us apart all she likes, but soon we'll be back at school and there'll be nothing she can do about it."

"Oh, I can advise some good places to use for privacy," Hermione says, "Viktor and I used to-"

"Alright stop right there!" Ron hollars. "No one wants to hear about you and Vicky."

"Well he's gone back to Bulgaria now, so you can quit acting so jealous." Hermione snips, scowling at Ron.


Ron throws down his rag and storms out the room.

Hermione and I exchange a look.

"So," Hermione says turning back to dust the bookcase. "Have you heard from any of the Slytherins at all this summer?"

I feel a familiar pang of hurt. "No," I mumble, "guess they must be busy."

To be fair, I did get a birthday card from both Pansy and Blaise though. Not a single thing from Draco, not even a card. And Daphne doesn't do birthdays.

"I guess things are tricky now," Hermione says lightly, "what with everything that happened that night."

Lights begin to flash in my vision, my chest squeezing tight. I didn't want to talk about that night. I wanted to be with Fred and let him kiss away dark thoughts.

"It must be so difficult for you," Hermione continues obliviously, "having witnessed Cedric's death. I do wonder if it'll mean you see the Thestrals now-"

I don't stay to hear anything else, just like Ron I toss my rag aside and walk right out.

Not caring about Molly's rota, I storm through the house on a mission to find Fred.

But before I can, I end up colliding into my godfather.

"Woah," Sirius says, grabbing my shoulders before I can push past him. "What's the big time rush?"

"I hate it here!" I snarl, angrily pushing him away from me, "I feel like a prisoner - I may as well be back at the Durselys where at least I was allowed more freedom than this! Everyone is treating me like a child and no one is telling me anything - I saw him, I faced him and I watched Cedric die! And all Molly can do is give me a dirty rag and tell me to polish some shit goblet like a good little house-elf! I WANT TO HELP KILL VOLDEMORT!"

I kick the wall for good measure.

Sirius looks at me for a moment. And I'm ready for him to tell me I shouldn't be complaining and to be thankful for what I have got.

But he doesn't, instead he continues to silently observe me as though he's thinking about something.

"You're angry," says Mr Captain Obvious. "And you know what - you have every right to be. You've been through a massive ordeal and it seems to you that everyone is just brushing it under the carpet and not taking the situation seriously."

Slowly, I nod. And suddenly I want to cry.

"I tell you what," Sirius says kindly, taking pity on me, "why don't I grab us a couple of cold beers from the fridge and you and I can sit down and have a chat. I'll tell you everything I know about these meetings. I know Molly doesn't want her kids knowing what the Order is about but she needs to remember you're not hers. And personally I think you're right: screw this stupid cleaning rota. What's important right now is answers, and I'm going to give them to you."

Finally! I had not realized that this is exactly what I needed to hear since that night. So I gratefully accept Sirius' offer and we go into the kitchen where we have some proper godfather/goddaughter bonding over beer and war talk.

He's Siriusly great.


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