Chapeter1: Bless your heart.

Start from the beginning

Maybe that's how they got their name?

They came up with the premonitory indicator tests to catch the disease early, and a drug that stopped it in its tracks. They were our protectors, our Saviours, and our beacon of hope when all seemed lost. We owe them a debt of gratitude that can never be repaid. And yet, my aunt was convinced that they were up to no good. I couldn't wrap my head around it. How could she possibly think that the very organization that had been our saviours was involved in heinous human experiments, money laundering, kidnapping, murdering, human trafficking, blackmailing and I could go on and on. It was all inconceivable to me. And one of the reasons I had to leave home. I just couldn't take one more of her insane conspiracy theories.

I need a nap.

I jolt awake to an obnoxiously loud banging on my door. I fumble for my phone to check the time – 11:30 PM.

"What the..." I switch on the lamp at my bedside. I sluggishly make my way to the door, "Hold your horses!" I shout as the knocking persists.

I peek through the peephole. Lo and behold, it's my aunt, looking more frazzled than a cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

What now. I sigh.

As soon as I open the door, she barges in, nearly knocking me off my feet. She slams the door shut and puts on the chain like she's in some kind of Mission Impossible movie. Before I can even utter a word, she starts shutting curtains and goes into a full-on meltdown about uncovering some kind of conspiracy involving the Saviours. She's talking so fast that I can barely keep up.

"Slow down, slow down, I can barely understand a word—"

"Ain't got no time to slow down! We gotta skedaddle right this minute! They're on to us!" she exclaims, practically pulling her hair out.

"Who's on to us? Who are you talking about?"

"Phoenix! They're coming for us!" she cries, looking like she's about to have a breakdown.

"You have got to be kidding me! Are you seriously waking me up for this?!" I exclaimed, frustration seeping through my voice.

"Bell, we need to go! They know I have it! We're not safe here anymore." She starts mumbling to herself, "I didn't know it was being tracked." I couldn't make out most of her mumbo-jumbo as she paces back and forth like a caged animal. "We gotta high-tail it outta here, pronto!" she exclaimed; her voice laced with urgency.

"This is insane. I'm not going anywhere," I growled, my patience wearing thin. "I'm done with all of this. Done with the conspiracy theories and the paranoia. Just leave, Aunt Grace." I stride over to the door and yank it open.

She looked at me with pleading eyes, but I stood my ground. "Bell—"

"I mean it. You need to leave. Now." It hurt to say those words, but I couldn't take it anymore. "I'm done."

"Bellamy..." she exhales looking defeated and broken. It broke my heart. "Darlin', these folks are as treacherous as a snake in the grass. They will stop at nothin' to get what they want and don't care who gets hurt along the way. You gotta trust me on this. They ain't the good guys. They're more crooked than a dog's hind leg. You don't even know the half of it."

"I'm done," my voice low and serious leaving no room for her silly argument. The silence deafening.

When my aunt saw that I wasn't going to back down, she let out a deep sigh and started making her way towards the door, wearing a look of disappointment on her face. Suddenly we hear the distinct sound of car doors opening and shutting outside. She stops in her tracks and turns towards the window, her eyes wide with fear.

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