The Sprite in the Green Leafy Dress

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It was a bright, pleasant morning on Ecovia's Egg. The radiant summer sun shined brightly on the dewy grass. The birds sang to the energy of the new day. And the azure skies stirred the clouds to create swirly patterns like latte art.

Pomola, the angel of fruits, could not ask for a day more perfect, for she was hosting a brunch for her sisters at her home in the Orchard of Alma.

"Are you sure you two do not want to try some of my zesty citrus tea?" Pomola offered, pouring some into a cup made from the rind of her fruit. "You don't know what you are missing!"

"Not a chance, little sis," Floriela, the angel of flowers, declined firmly. "Your fruits make everything too tangy. I infuse my tea only with the aromatic essence of delicate petals."

"Are you criticizing my sweet, juicy fruits?" Pomola crossed her hands, angrily confronting Floriela.

"You can pour me a cup if you insist, Pomola," Dendriela, the angel of trees, complied to ease the tension between her sisters.

Pomola smiled gratefully at Dendriela and stuck her tongue out at Floriela in a playful gesture.

The sisters unwound to the refreshing sips of their tea. They were chatting and venting about their daily troubles when they spotted someone in the orchard. They cautiously approached the slender and fit figure, clad in a layered leafy green dress sequined with beans. Her long pea pod earrings swung back and forth as she balanced herself on her toes, struggling to reach for one of the fruits on a tree.

"Howdy, fellow sisters," the stranger merrily greeted in her country accent.

"Get away from my fruits!" Pomola snapped, her motherly instincts kicking in. "Who are you, and what are you doing here?"

"Oo, I-I mean no harm. I'm Olerila, the sprite of vegetables," the stranger introduced herself. "Your newest lil' sister!"

"Pardon!" Pomola and Floriela exclaimed together, unlike Dendriela, who kept her cool to the surprising news.

"You lie!" Floriela accused. "You are not our sister!"

"I ain't lying y'all," Olerila tried to ease their anxiety. "Archangel Botanella created me from the Farms of Bonita in the heartlands. I want to invite your plants to join my farm, where I can help them grow healthier and greener."

"I will not allow you to take my fruits away to mold them into shape!" Pomola tartly replied.

"N-no! Thi-think of me as a nanny," Olerila desperately explained.

"Dendriela, don't you have something to say?" Pomola urged.

"Honestly, I want to give Olerila a chance," Dendriela consented. "I do not mind her raising my trees."

"Argh," Floriela scowled. "You are no help!"

Pomola grabbed Olerila's green leafy dress, ripping it as she dragged her out of the orchard. "Our fruits and flowers aren't for your savory nutrition. They are sweet, tart, and aromatic. So go back to your "farms" or where ever you came from, and stay away from our plants, missy! We do not need another sister!"

After Olerila left, Pomola and Floriela plotted how to stop her. Dendriela overheard their conversation and disapproved of their plans. "You two should keep an open mind," she offered her sisterly advice. "Who knows? She might be a blessing to our plants."

"We highly doubt that!" Pomola and Floriela scoffed.

The following day, Floriela and Pomola traveled to the playground of the universe to visit Archangel Botanella. Like petulant children, they entered the throne room without her permission and demanded she banish Olerila from existence at once.

The Sprite in the Green Leafy Dress - Angels of EcoviaWhere stories live. Discover now